QIC:  Cousin Eddie
  PAX:  Gump, Tailspin, Hey Hey, Cousin Eddie
  Date:  02/15/21
  AO:  Diablo Rojo

Phlegm famously accidentally called Diablo Rojo the Devil’s Rope once.  It’s stuck with me ever since then.  Much to my surprise, Devil’s Rope is an actual term.  More commonly called Barbed Wire.  In fact, there’s a Barbed Wire Museum located in McLean TX, along Route 66.  Their website tells us that they have Everything you want to know about barbed wire and fencing tools.  I don’t know about you sod busters, but I gotta admit, I’m kinda intrigued/bi-curious at the thought of a road trip to the northern panhandle of Texas.  I’ll go ahead and throw this out there.  If the Devil’s Rope shovel flag is ever planted in front of the Barbed Wire museum, the pax that photographs such event is going to walk away with a handsome reward from Cousin Eddie*. 

Now don’t you feel smarter for knowing that?  Or is it dumber?  Either way, you’re welcome.       

Back to the ranch.  Or the AO offically known as Diablo Rojo.  

The Q was running slightly behind.  The Q pulled up about 1/2 block away just after 05:30.  This was slightly embarrassing to the Q, but technically speaking we started at 05:30, so No Harm No Foul.   

Couple of warmups.  

EMOM:  Every Minute on the Minute for 10 minutes

1st 5:  10 merkins, 8 squats, 6 burpees

2nd 5:  8 merkins, 6 squats, 4 burpees

Lt. Dans:  2 lunges/1 squat, 4 lunges/2 squats, 6 lunges/3 squats, 8 lunges/4 squats, up to 20 lunges/10 squats

Couple of dudes finished their required 20L/10 S before the others.  Those couple of dudes were standing around looking/waiting for the slow guy (me) to finish up.  Yall know better’n that.  Plank for the Six, right?  

Penalty:  2 minute Plank.  If plank is broken, you serve a 10 burpee penalty.  

No one broke plank. 

(That’s What Plank’s M Said .  Also, no way Plank has ever broken 2 minutes….TWSS.)

Mosey around the county square.  Note:  There’s an expression that just came to mind.  From a western too, so it follows the Devil’s Rope discussion.  Something about kissing my (backside) on the county square.  Need to figure a workout themed around that for next DR Q.   

Grab what we used to call Bing Blocks out of my truck.  There were 3 of them.  Not 3 Bings, but 3 Bing Blocks.  Hey Binger, how’s about starting to post again will ya?  Anyway, 3 of did curls for girls while the Bing Blockless dude ran a block, did 10 Star Jumps and returned.  

Next round was one of my favorite tests.  Pax calls an exercise for the rest of the dudes to do while they go ran down to the next block and do 10 Star Jumps.  It offers some insight into a man’s personality.  If a dude calls an easy exercise, he’s typically a nice dude that doesn’t want to upset the rest of his homies.  If a dudes calls a horrible exercise, he clearly takes pleasure in punishing his homies.  Hint:  always call something hard (TWSS).  

Gump:  rep was low curl, high curl, overhead press

Hey Hey:  Blockees

Tail:  Overhead press

Me:  Murder Bunnies

2nd Set: 

T: Rifle Carry/Run

G: Lunge Walk

H: Something bad

E:  Not sure

Put blocks up, mosey back to where flag should be.  Note:  hey Flex, how about pulling a Walking Dead and adding some devil’s rope to the shovel flag?  

20 seconds till 6:15 – 5 burpees to finish it out

More Notes:

* Handsome Reward = pat on the back, a tasty beverage of their choosing, and/or a BEC at Homer’s

  • one good thing about traveling to a non-regular AO:  my whip is nice and warm when I arrive and still warm when I get back in.  Normally, the whip just starts to get warm when I arrive at a regular one.  
  • HeyHey must be on the Onion Diet.  Dude was dropping bombs on us. 
  • Gump was the unofficial Mumblechatterbox. Something tells me that Gump is always the unofficial Chatterbox. 
  • Tailspin…..didn’t much intel on him, other than the dude has another nickname.  Lance?  Didn’t get any intel on that either.  3rd Nickname recommendation:  Captain’s Wafers….Nekot…..Nip-Chee  (you know, the delicious snack crackers from Lance). 
  • Can’t wait to see some Newton’ites start to post out here.  This would bring ole Cousin Eddie joy. 
  • Several questions were asked about the Changing of the Nantan.  Like When?  Where? How?   First answer:  Nantan 3.0 has to actually post first (Oh Snap )
  • 2nd answer:  It will likely be at a convergence near you
  • 3rd answer:  Before he takes the crown, he must carry me from Whipping Stick to The Station while I sit upon my guilded rickshaw.  Note:  Hey Nantan 3.0, let me know if you need directions to Whipping Stick? Oh Snap
  • First Rule of Nantan’ing:  You best have some thick skin fella.  
  • Second Rule of Nantan’ing:  You best have some thick skin fella.

Enjoyed the workout.  You cow pokes have a good’n, now ya hear?  Time to Mosey on into the Sunset 



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