QIC:  Biscuits
  PAX:  Doc McStuffins, Doughboy, Dragonfly, Has Been, Patti Mayo, Short Sale, Snorkel, Swanson
  Date:  12/22/20
  AO:  The Mount

Unfortunately for everyone at the Mount, with Christmas comes Yule Logs, so YHC arrived early with a truckload. But before we enjoyed the festivities, YHC introduced himself, welcomed everyone to the Mount for the celebration, gave a disclaimer, and then jumped into a little warm-up:

  • 25 Side-straddle Hops (for, you know, the 25th of December)
  • 12 Humpies
  • 12 Little Arm Circles
  • 12 Reverse Arm Circles

Moseying to the Mount’s favorite parking lot, YHC presented the Yule Log workout: Every PAX grabs a log from the truck, attaches a tie-down, and will tow their log for the rest of the workout between stations. There are 7 stations in a spoke-like set-up, but in the form of a Christmas tree with the center at the top of the tree and the 6 other stations forming the branches of the tree. At the center/top, PAX will do a Yul Brynner (ie Magnificent 7: 1 Carolina Dry Dock, 1 Wide Arm Merkin, 1 Merkin, 1 Ranger Merkin, 1 Diamond Merkin, 1 Crucible Merkin, and 1 Chuck Norris Merkin), and then tow his yule log to one of the 6 stations to do 20 reps of the listed exercise. After hitting all 6 branches, decend by 2 and repeat.

  1. Yul Brynner (1)
  2. Upright Rows (20, 18, …)
  3. Lunges
  4. Elf on the Shelf’s
  5. Little Baby Crunches
  6. Overhead Press
  7. Gas Pumps

We enjoyed our merry time until 6:10, put the logs back up, and moseyed back to the flag. One minute before 6:15 (allegedly 30 seconds according to Short Sale), so we did 20 Merkins OYO.

Count-o-rama (9), Name-o-rama, and YHC shared a bit about how Christmas is special because of Easter: how we don’t need to become perfect to reach God but rather He came to us and is our Redemption.

YHC prayed us out.




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