QIC:  Powder

4th Evening Wood and it was as hard as ever. If you have not tried the non-running AO on Monday nights come on out, it is a great time. As I started to write my weinke, I realized this was harder than I thought because normally most of my Qs involve some sort of running. It was a nice evening and although there was some jogging in between sets it was a nice break.

The Thang-

Warm Up (All IC X15)- ATT, SSH, Windmill, Hill Billies, Humpies 
Grab Bricks- Overhead Press X15 IC, Hallelujah Lunges X10 IC, Curls X15 IC, Side Lunges X10, Arm Extensions (side and front) X15 IC, Tricep Extensions X15 IC

Abs w/ Bricks- American Hammer, LBCS, RBCS, FreeBirds

20 Merkins–> 1 min low plank, 15 merkins –> 45 sec high plank, 10 merkins–> 30 sec low plank
Jog around the parking lot. Stop and do Wonder Bra/ People’s Chair to catch out breath…

Rinse and Repeat circuit X 2 

It was a great night with a FNG and also 3 more PAX that have been posting since Evening Wood has started. Come on out and join us next week.

WOD-“Presence over Performance”  



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