QIC:  Friar

YHC had read the mumblechatter on Slack yesterday about sick Q’s, who’s going to be Q, and nothing about who was posting. In fact, YHC wasn’t sure if I would post. YHC does, in fact, get out of the ol’ fartsack and made the long .5 mile trek to Infinity. Rolled in to a parking lot with several cars but only two pax. #headscratcher Where was Bismark?!?! Where was PBR?!?! I knew the scheduled Q, Hanger, had likely indulged on too many of those Mexican beers on his cruise (apparently it wasn’t Sierra Nevada) but Bismark asked about Infinity! Where you at bro? We need our senior statesman! PBR probably ate too many nachos and Sierra Nevadas to get up, happens to the best of us. Next time, PBR, stick to the lagers you’re used to (sing this to the tune of Waterfalls by TLC for the full affect). Oh yeah, I’m babbling off course, let’s get back to the workout. The Pax were Audit and MAYBERRY!!!! Haven’t seen Mayberry in about as long as it takes Babyface to grow a beard the length of .0000000000000000000001 inches! Oooops, wandering off topic again…YHC volunteers to Q at about 5:16 eastern standard time.

Warm up: SSH, Windmills, ATT, LAC forward and reverse. All this in a cadence of 10.

Run down Powell turn left into a neighborhood across from ballfields, ascend a really big hill, get to top of really big hill and run down other side back to Powell, up Greenway to speed bump in Powell. 10 count by Audit, 5 burpees OYO, slowzy up rest of hill to Nuway Circle, lunge Walk to a fire hydrant, jog down through wet grass to an old gas station on 321 across from Bos, do MONKEYHUMPERS ICx10, and continue running on side of 321 to Seahorn. We ran down Seahorn to Trinity UMC, ran around back did some incline Merkins ICx10, lunge walked parking spaces and did a merkin at every other line, ran to church sign and educated Audit on Caldwell County history. (The sign has a large keyhole made in it and legend has it that it keeps witches away. Really long story made short, as YHC’s ADD kicks in…wow, that’s a lot of acronyms in one sentence…ooops there I go again). Run down Pennell, turn right onto Greenway, we look up and watch what appears to be a rainbow colored UFO, we wonder aloud about a possible crop circle beside us in the corn field, crop circles are in interesting and I wonder if there are any in Caldwell County…anyway, back to it. We finish with 3.11 miles of fun.

We ran, we worked out, we laughed, and we had a blast. Missed the rest of you guys!


YHC had an old music teacher in my 6-8 grade years who wrote this on the chalkboard (yes, chalkboard not these whiteboard or smart board stuff you young whipper snappers use) one day! The phrase: “We want results, not excuses.” Excuses are a dime a dozen; strive for results.

Friar wrote a Backblast and safe money says only Spokes is still reading.


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