QIC:  Spokes


I had dropped a note on Slack that if I had 10 or more at my Q; the time with Mary would be shorter by two minutes and would be a Body Destroyer.  Throwing out I was on Q to ask for HC’s is fruitless so why not go with bribery.

So 7 showed up and here is the thang:

Warm-up (Various amounts IC)

SSH’s – 30
Windmills –  10
LBAC’s -10
Merkins – 10
Mountain Climbers – 10
Squats – 15

Mosey to Presbyterian Church Parking Lot
Burpee 10
Run up the Stairs
Bear crawl to next set of stairs
Run down the Stairs
Smurf Jacks 20
Crab walk to stairs
Plank for six

Repeat above

Change Burpee to American Hammer 20, Change Smurf Jack to WWII sit up 10, change crawls to lunges

Mosey to Davenport Stairs at intersection of College Ave. & Boundary St.
Partner up and perform the following collectively while one partner runs up stairs and touches school wall
100 Merkins
200 Lunge (100 forward, 100 backward)
300 SSH’s
400 LBAC’s (100 F, 100 B, 100 Chinnoks, 100 OH) – Was modified to 50 each instead of 100 due to time
Mosey to AO

Bay city scissors
Australian Snow Angels

Passed around a piece of concrete and asked PAX to feel how hard/solid it was.  This is our heart sometimes and others see this.  We need to be the light of Jesus to others and let our hearts be soft.  The sin in our lives leaves our heart hard and we need to leave the sin at the foot of the cross where Jesus gave His life for our sins.



Kickstand was an HC and Swinger was a SC but both became victim of the Fartsack.  Anyone seen Hanger around?

PBR threw down a real quick TWSS just out of the truck to a Babyface quip

No double digits however Mary was shortened due to over achievement of the exercises by the Q.

Every exercise was modified by the but PAX posted; that’s a win!


Spokes out!



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