QIC:  Kleenex

F3 “300” 2/23/19
QIC: Kleenex
PAX: UdderButter, Banjo, Twig, Taterhole, Chewy, Pippy, Mercedes, TinkerBell, Castaway
41 degrees

What does the number mean to you?

Greatest Number? – Let’s consider:
1. a prime number, as are 2 and 3.
2. Michael Jordan’s number.
3. the NBA record for most consecutive points scored by a single player in a game (none other than MJ)
4. the number of chromosomes in a human sperm/egg.
5. the angle between the earth’s magnetic and rotational axis
6.the Tropic of Cancer at 23 degrees N Latitude.
7. the Tropic of Capricorn at 23 degrees S Latitude.
8. the smallest number of people for which there is at least a 50% chance that two will share the same birthday.
9. the number of times Caesar was stabbed in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.
10. has been prominently featured in the following: Serendipity, Futurama, Star Wars A New Hope, Monty Python The Life of Brian, Seinfeld, The Big Lebowski, The Matrix Reloaded, and Die Hard III among MANY other movies.
11. the number of flavors Dr. Pepper claims to be a blend of.
12. the number of distinct orientations of Tetris pieces.
13. the sum of U2, the greatest band ever. U is the 21st letter of the alphabet.
14. the number of letters in the latin alphabet.
15. the number of the Illuminati.
-And lastly, 23, a horrible movie by Jim Carrey from 2007!

Or, it’s just the amount of every exercise we will do today! Aye!

Alt Toe Touches 23
Squats 23 IC slow
LBCs 23 IC
Arm Circles 23/rot IC
Low country Crabs 23 IC

Mosey: (Deck of Cards)
Derkins 23
Inclines 23
Dips 23
“You Gonna fall tryin do what I DID!”

Mosey (Indian Run)
Deck of Cards: PAX Name IT

23 rotating cadence
Mosey parking lot for mini-4corners
Station 1 Thrusts
Station 2 Angle Grinders IC
Station 3 Bobby Hurleys IC
Station 4 Mountain Climbers IC

Parking Lot:
Sprint 2nd Light
Backwards jog
Imperial SkyWalkers 1st Light
Upon completion:
Parkers 23 IC
Squats 23
“PS: you ain’t done yet!”

10 Burpees, 13 SSH (increasing SSH, descending Burps) 23 total
10-13/ 9-14/ 8-15/ 7-16/ 6-17/
5-18/ 4-19/ 3-20/ 2-21/ 1-22

Mosey back to start:
-Plank for 23 seconds (:23s)
-Go into RT Side Plank, :23s,
-go into LT side plank, :23s,
-finish with Elbow touch Planks 23ttl

Drop to six:
X&Os 23 IC
Box Cutters 23 IC
Flutter Kicks 23 IC
American Hammers 23 IC

Sound off / Name’o’rama (0 FNGs)
Announcements / Prayer Requests

Oh, and 23 is the most quoted Psalm in the Bible:

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still awaters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭23:1-6‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Blane (Mercedes coworker)
Fresh Depot waitresses:
Olivia/ Jenny/ Crystal/ Hillary

Quote of the Day goes to TinkerBell:
“Well, guess we know what came first…”
(eggs came before chicken at bfast…)

A Pleasure to Lead



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