It all started like a usual Friday morning.  Alarm goes off at 4:50 and I get up and get ready for another fun filled Infinity workout.  Get dressed and then a feel a rumble.  So to the office for some work.  Why am I adding this?  I really don’t think anyone wants to know or cares.

Running a little late.

I could just imaging the chatter.

Oh no, why is PBR late?

He is never late.

He is the best a fastest runner ever.

Someone so handsome and muscular could never be late.

Im going to cry if he dosent show up.

Then to everyone’s happy cheers I arrive.

Start off with the PBR waiver (You cant sue me and dont also dont get hurt)


Stretch on your own (IC)

The Main Event

Run for a while then we each PAX counts to 10 while we hold a low plank.

25 Merkins on your own.

Run some more

Count to 10 while we hold a low plank.

25 Merkins on your own.

We are at the bottom of the Aquatics hill. There are four ways we can go.

Up the Aquatics Hill

Up the Church Hill

Down the Greenway

Back to the AO

Each route had a number and what ever was picked we would do.

Mayberry picked 3.

That was run up the church hill

count to 10 while we hold a low plank.

25 Merkins on your own.

Baby Face or was it Friar had the next choice.

Bad call we had to run up the Aquatics Hill

count to 10 while we hold a low plank.

25 Merkins on your own.

Last choice

Good call

Lets run back to the AO

One more stop

count to 10 while we hold a low plank.

25 Merkins on your own.

Finished Strong (Just kidding I was huffing and puffing like the Big Bad Wolf)



Corinthiams 15 33

Do not be misled.  “Bad company corrupts good character”



We saw a skunk

Mayberry can run

Mayberry likes to do some tricky counting

Possums a’nt scared

Raccoons are scared

Some guy was confused trying to get to the Greenway parking lot

We ran 4 miles







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