YHC arrived right on time! I am not a fan of the cold weather so I always dress like I am going into a blizzard. I can take layers off but I cannot add layers (if I don’t have them), is my motto.


SSH, Windmill, ATT, Humpees, Pickle Pounder


We moseyed to Church St. where we partnered up 6 sets of exercises. AMRAP = As Many Reps As Possible

Partner 1 – AMRAP Burpees

Partner 2 – Bernie Sanders up the hill

Partner 1 – AMRAP Merkins

Partner 2 – Bernie Sanders up the hill

Partner 1 – AMRAP Squats

Partner 2 – Bernie Sanders up the hill

Partner 1 – AMRAP American Hammers

Partner 2 – Bernie Sanders up the hill

Partner 1 – AMRAP Weezy Jeffersons

Partner 2 – Bernie Sanders up the hill

Partner 1 – AMRAP Flutter Kicks

Partner 2 – Bernie Sanders up the hill

Then we moseyed to THE WALL close to where we vote.

We did 11’s. We did, what I am going to call, the “Praise Jesus MERKIN” We did 10 merkins and then lifted our hands up in the air 1 time, then we did 9 merkins and lifted our hands up in the air 2 times and so on and so forth, in between the exercise we climbed the wall.

Then after that we moseyed back to the AO for some time with MARY.


Pretzel L and R, X Factor, 100’s


Galatians 5:22-25

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. 24 And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.


We did a scale the wall challenge after the PRAISE JESUS MERKINS and Baby Face won. He actually could have scaled higher but we went back to the AO due to time. Plus we also just go working out our shoulders a ton.

On the Bernie Sanders part of the workout the PAX had a hard time with my direction to “go to the first street light” It took way longer than it should have to give that direction.




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