QIC:  Wile E

Good Saturday morning you F3ers. Today was a perfect day for a workout with mid 50 temps and cloud coverage.

I had intentions of more Merkins yet I digressed.

Off we go…

We warmed up a little with SSH, Humpees, Imperial storm troopers, LAC, forward and reverse. (Grout did SSHs with us and then had to leave for his ACT duties)

Then we Mosey to Middle school driveway hill. Lunge walked up the hill half way. Stopped for some Merkins.

Mosey to the Hwy 90 roundabout. Halfway there we stopped for some diamond merkins. Then finished the mosey to the top of the hill.

We erred on the side of caution and did not workout in the roundabout after noticing tire marks where we were standing. No worries. We had a nice paved path ride beside the road to give a nice show.

LBCs and the straight to Glute Bridge holds. We had many onlookers. Back to LBCs and then Carolina dry-docks.

Indian Run back to middle school and to the bus parking lot. Each of us posted on a parking lot line for a little hop exercise. Merkins afterwards.

Mosey to high school bus parking lot. Circle up and Mountain climbers, Merkins and Flutter kicks.

Mosey to Track. Start at one side jogging, then 50 Merkins at opposite end and then back to start and 50 squats.

Mosey to Brick wall. Muhammed Ali Joe Frazier combos in wall sit. Australian Mountain Climbers and Australian Merkins.

Mosey to AO

COT Psalms 59 Read it. Discussed more PAX posting during the week (me-slacker) and others.

Missed the other PAX out there. Have a great weekend with your families.

-We received an odd horn beep by a black truck during our Glute Bridge activity. I think he liked what he saw a little too much. Maybe he’ll join us some time.

-I realized how tight I was when I started my Humpees. I knew it was going to be a good workout when the laughter started.

-I wish we had completed more Merkins. Next time. Stayed tuned.

Wile E Out…


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