The rain was slow when I first got to the workout. Then the bottom dropped out. 4 PAX were waiting and even a random truck that got to the workout before Babyface did. OH! ITS WOODY! Here is what happened then.


SSH, Humpees, Hairy Rockets A.K.A Hairy Rockettes, Windmill, High Knees.


The Thang

We grabbed the cinder blocks and went to a well lit area. The reason for the well lit area was that we played a game of Dice: (1st, we had 2 Die and the first Die was the workout (listed below) / 2nd Die was how many reps 1=5, 2=10, 3=15, 4=20, 5=25, 6=30)

1-Overhead Press

2-Curls for Snips

3-Kettle Bell Swings

4-Bent Over Rows

5-Bench Press

6-Tricep extensions

After 4 or 5 rounds of that we moseyed to the awning of the old movie theater (where Woody watched “Star Wars” and “JAWS”.) We had some time with Mary:

Freddie Mercuries, Pretzel L & R, Weezy Jeffersons, American Hammers.

After Mary, we moseyed back to AO and had the COT under the tree closest to the AO, because the rain was POURING!!


“Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.  Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me.  Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.
Matthew 10:37‭-‬39 NIV


BABYFACE is addicted to Instagram

BABYFACE showed a smidge of A.D.D while he watched the water flow gloriously into the gutter. It was his turn to roll the dice and he was mesmorized.

BABYFACE likes to grunt when he “recovers” from the ground. Swinger pointed it out and laughed every time.

Happy belated birthday to Woody!!

PBR works with hardware mainly.

Swingers favorite song in college was a programming song called “LOVE SONG” where the whole chorus was a bunch of 1’s and 0’s that spelled out the words L-O-V-E S-O-N-G!!







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