QIC:  Babyface

With a lot of PAX out of town, the crowd was kinda small this Saturday at the Den. A couple of serious men had a pre-run before the fun began(credit to Twin for keeping up with DB and Audit). The summer has been a roller coaster ride for my family, so I thought I would bring some sunshine and positivity to our workouts today!

Warmup – all IC, 20 or so reps each

  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Imperial Storm Troopers
  • Humpies
  • Arm Circles (forward & reverse)

Next up we had HAPPY ONE-LEG PARTNER FUN!(aka broken wheelbarrows). PAX went about 5 parking spaces on one side and then switched up to the other side.

Mosey up to the side of the school for the WALL OF RAINBOWS. Hold wall sit for each exercise. IC and 20 reps. Switch up Australian Merkins for Australian Mountain Climbers on rinse and repeat:

  • Muhamed Alis
  • Joe Fraziers
  • Overhead claps
  • Australian Mountain Climbers (Australian Merkins)

Then mosey up to the hill outside the football stadium for FUN SOCIALISM RUNS(Bernie Sanders). Backwards up the hill while partner completes 100 squats, 100 LBCs, 75 Lunges, 100 In and Outs

Next, we headed into the stadium to the bleechers for SUNSHINE CLIMBS(11s with stair hops up the seats in between). For the 11s, we had Diamond Merkins and Captain Thors(1 Big Boy situp and 4 American Hammers = 1).

With time running short, we moseyed back to the AO. But during the run, we sent DB out as a rabbit for the group to catch. Basically, that ended up as a jailbreak run for us normal folks.


Ecclesiastes 9:7 – Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for God has already approved what you do.

James 1:2-3 – Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.

Life will throw you curve balls. Trust me, I know! But you must trust in the Lord to lead you throw, We have no idea what He has planned for us. But I know He has given us the strength to conquer it. Trust in Him and stay positive! “Everyday is a great day….if you make it that way!”


  • Lenoir is always good for hard exercises but we tend to mumble chatter in between too much. Today I pushed from workout to workout to make it a continuous cardio burn. Only one 10 count allowed at the wall. Nice work men!
  • At the end of the 11s, we of course had to have a race up the bleachers to see who was the fastest. Rooney is definitely the fastest hopper!
  • Hate we ran out of time for the Friendly FALCON…maybe next time
  • A 3 person team for the broken wheelbarrows is a bad idea
  • Positive names on the exercises does not make them any easier

Babyface out!


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