QIC:  Sooner

We had a stunning 12 PAX at Expresso this morning.  Attendance has been low recently due to P200 training.

Started off with SSH and ATT.

Make our way to the courtyard for Pullups and Stepups.  8,6,4,6 Pullups with 10 stepups in between each set.

Mosey to the parking near Fuel.  Split into groups of 3.

1 partner does exercises at the bottom, 1 partner is running, 1 partner is doing exercises at the top. Rotate between running/exercises.

5 sets – Merkins at the bottom, Squats at the top

5 sets – Plank at he bottom, american hammer at the top

3 sets – Diamond Merkins at the bottom, Mary Katherine lunges at the top

Mosey back to the Flag.



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