QIC was again harassed as to the whereabouts of his best friend Wile E,  unfortunately QIC best guess was a HC turned HF.  Hard fartsack.  He works hard though! Next time you HC we will have to Mosey to the farm and pick you up.

let’s get started

Warm Up

20: SSH, (SL)Humpys, Imperial Storm Troopers, High Knees, Burt Kickers, Alternating Toe Touches

Now “Let’s Mosey See” (sounds better with a 1920’s NY gangsta accent) Audit rocked it, babyface well his namesake was worth a mention! Am I right?!


Theres some confusion about the upcoming weekend having to do with a bunny (Silly rabbit, easter’s For Christ)

So we found the stairs at the old POst Office and did box hops up them (sucked because therewere so many and they were so short). Rinse repeat 2 more times


another Mosey to the church, found more stairs and pax began to groan!  Luckily no hop’n around here.


In lieu of Maundy Holy Thursday and significance placed on the last supper experience.  Pax were questioned “who betrayed our Lord” correct answer “Julius iscariot” but feeling more betrayed today by our fart sacking brethren who HC’d.  (Cough, Wile E).

So what do we do? Get punished.  Yeah that’s right

OYO WW2 Sit-ups, LBC’s, Dying Cockroach, American Hammers.

How many times? (30 pieces of silver sound familiar to anyone?) then 30 of each sounds about worth the punishment.  Sure beats a hanging

Lets Mosey around town (groaning and mumble chatter about this feeling like a stargate, I assure you 0.5 miles doesn’t = 5.0 miles)

whats that over there? Real post office!

Pax were questioned: “who at the Lord’s Supper would we learn to Deny our Lord?”

Correct Answer: Peter (the rock) gasp, but no he’s like a super hero among these disciples.  Much like Peter Parker, see where I’m going?


Lets begin OYO

10 Peter Parker’s, 10 Parker Peters, 10 Peter Parker Parker Peter Picked a Pax of Package Packers? There we 60 total!

Pax mosey’d to Walgreens

(how many times did Peter deny him? 3! Oops, rinse repeat that Peter Parker Parker Peter only 40)

Moseyd up Swinger Hill, busy traffic day by the way.  pax found huge sand bags and a giant metal nail/spear, started getting too real,  Half of them about checked out until they learned Swinger ain’t got time for that.

But somewhere along those 3 denials, it was a child that ratted him out, so we Peter Parker Parker Petered one last time in front of the school.

Slowseyed around the campus, what’s the benefit of all this weekend, eternal salvation rescued from the fire. Today students practice fire safety with fire drills!

Circle up: High Knees, until pax yells fire then all drop and roll over do a push up and roll back, pop up and high knees, continue until each pax has a chance to yell fire.

7 pax burned just enough time and hips (spokes and audit may have suffered) with this to Mosey back to A/O.


Holy Maundy Thursday the disciples took communion with Christ in remembrance of his body broken and his blood poured out.  and so do we. YHC (The friar) helped with communion.  This was truly a blessing to share with my brothers!


John 13:34-35 “A new command  I give you: love one another as I have loved you so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

QIC reminded pax they will know that we are Christians by our love!  So wear that Jesus living smile on your face and let it shine through your eyes!

Love you Wile E, you’re a hard working man, and you’re family is fortunate for your dedication!  Look forward to having you back soon!  And all you other awesome men absent today! Get well and get rested and get back here ASAP!

Swingaaaaa (falsetto required)






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