QIC:  Udder Butter

When you don’t show up for a particular AO for months, I guess you deserve a little ribbing and to be asked the question “Why are you here?”  My excuse is purely digestive.  Dinner taste better the first time you eat it and not all throughout the workout.  But when YHC has Q, then peanut butter and crackers is all I was willing to try before the WO.  And all day I had worried about having to lead in the rain.  I was very relieved to see the rain keep getting pushed back further and further all day.  Guess YHC is just a rain wienie.

I honestly did not expect that anyone would actually be there with Palmetto coming up but I was pleasantly surprised to see 3 Pax roll in.

In preparing the workout, I tried to make it a No Repeat SoCal.  Do one set of each exercise and no repeats.  Don’t get that very often.  Here is how it all went down….

• Little Arm Circles x 10 F & R
• Humpies x10
• Butt Kickers x 10
• Merkins x10
• Squats x 10

Enough already.  Wasting time- let’s get at it!

Mosey to blocks and grab a toy and we’re off to Flick for some parking lot joy.

Exercise on either end of the parking lot with a transition exercise between.  All are x10 @4 count

Bear Crawl (Always Chewy’s favorite so we got them out of the way early)
Crabwalk backwards (Found something Chewy hates more than Bear Crawls)
OH Press
Lunge Walk
Monkey Humpers
Frog Hops (these seemed innocent enough when I wrote them down)
Block Catcher Squats
Cusack style long strides (Not as good as I had thought- they naturally turn into a block overhead lunge)
Skull Crushers
Step-rows (step-step, Upright row, repeat……..)
Bench Press
Imp Storm Trooper March
Freddy Mercuries
High Knees across
Bear Jacks (crawl a step- Plank Jack- repeat over and over)
Burpees (of course had to get one set of these in- even disappointed me that we had to, and I knew they were coming)
Lunge Walk (ok, I did repeat.  Needed slow breather after those burps)
Decline Merkins (more block action)

No travel between these (finish strong)

• Hop Over Blocks (two foot side to side hops)
• Clean & Press from knees:  Less back concerns but rough on knees (on asphalt- note to self)
• Triceps Extensions with blocks from on our knees:  takes back out of the equation
• Block Leg Presses
• Block Squats (not really a repeat since these were not Catcher style)

Mosey to blocks- Put those hated things away- back to AO (ok, stop around the corner to give the wall some love)

Wall Sits:  standard fare.  x10 4 count ea of Alis, Frazers, Nortons and Bus Drivers

Back to the Flag.  Wait, there is still 2 minutes on the big GF’s clock.  We must get our money’s worth.

Partner up for Leg throws Downs.  One set each at 25.

With no more exercises on the Weinke and no more gas in our tanks (non digestive type that is), we circled up.

After count off and Name O Rama, YHC read from Acts 14:

19 Then some Jews came from Antioch and Iconium and won the crowd over. They stoned Paul and dragged him outside the city, thinking he was dead. 20 But after the disciples had gathered around him, he got up and went back into the city. The next day he and Barnabas left for Derbe.

Are we wienie Christians.  Do we whine at a little hardship.  The next time you encounter resistance, think of Paul who was stoned and got up John Wayne style and went back for more.  Wow!

Several prayer requests were shared and prayed over before we vamoosed.



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