QIC:  Baby Face

6 PAX made it out to celebrate the first day of spring! It was a nice, warm and wet morning for all. After ragging on the fartsackers(looking at you Master Q Snips!), we got down to it….


Warmup (x25, IC)

Side Straddle Hops

Imperial Storm Troopers



Arm Circles (forward & reverse)


After everyone was good and loose, we grabbed some CMUs(Concrete Masonry Units) and got to work on our wheel! Each spoke had a different workout with the CMUs and then back to middle for 25 LBCs with the CMUs. Exercises were: Colt 45(15 bottom, 15 top and then 15 full), squats, overhead presses, reverse lunges and then Cobra Presses.(Same thing as copperhead press, but I can’t remember names to save my life!)


After a full circuit, we had halftime music. PAX circled up and completed the Thunderstruck! We jogged during the entire song while adding in some Muhamad Alis, Joe Fraziers and SSHs. Each time you hear Thunder, you drop for a burpee. Long live AC/DC!!!


After that nice break, it was time to Rinse and Repeat the wheel. This time without the blocks due to time restraints. Speeding through the wheel!



Psalm 118 1-4: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Let Israel say: “His love endures forever.” Let the house of Aaron say: “His love endures forever.” Let those who fear the Lord say: “His love endures forever.”


Enjoy the day and just remember how blessed we all are! God is good and his love endures forever!


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