QIC:  2 Ply

The Thang: 

8 PAX showed up on a mild & wet morning for a Doracide routine with blocks.  Good turnout, but they would have probably stayed home if they knew what was coming.

Warm-ups – x15 reps

  • Side straddle hops
  • Little arm circles
  • Alternating Toe Touches
  • Humpies
  • Imperial Storm Troopers

Moseyed to block pile where we each grabbed a coupon & moseyed to the parking lot in front of the Middle School.

Here’s how it went down:

PAX 1 performed exercises while PAX 2 performed suicides.  3 cones were set out @ a distance of ~10 yards apart.  Pax 2 would run to 1st cone & perform 1 burpee, then back to start. Run to 2nd cone & perform 2 burpees, then back to start.  Run to 3 cone & perform 3 burpees, then back to start & switch off with PAX 1.

PAX will perform an accumulative of the following:

  • 100 reps – Block Shoulder Presses
  • 200 reps – Block Curls for Girls
  • 300  reps – Squats
  • 400 reps – Block Bench Presses

When the total reps of a particular exercise was accomplished, those PAX would plank until everyone was done before moving on to the next exercise.  This kept us all together and having never performed this routine before, YHC was quick to find out we needed breaks in between each complete set of exercises.

Slow moseyed back to block pile to return our coupons.  Then moseyed back to Flag where we were out of time.

Count off & Name-o-rama.


Psalm 127:1 – Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.

A Balanced Home – Home is a place where happy experiences occur.  It’s a place sheltered from the problems of the world, a place of love, acceptance & security.  What can we do to have a home like God intended?  As with everything in life, when something is broken, we go back to the instruction book – and life’s manual is the Bible.  The members of a family must work together to make their house a “true” home – not just a place where they live.  Solomon spoke to this subject in Proverbs 24: 3-4.  He outlined 3 basic principles of building a balanced home

  • wisdom
  • understanding
  • knoweldge

It is impossible to do this by our own efforts; we aren’t strong enough to accomplish the task.  We must guide our hearts, souls & lives to God’s son, Jesus Christ.  He is our source of strength.


No rain this morning, but the ground was definitely wet as we had a storm roll through just hours before our workout.  YHC agreed to “Q” although was told last week of a torn meniscus in my right knee.  I opted for an injection for now instead of surgery.  Not looking like the injection is working.  Remember, we don’t do easy.

Probably didn’t help that YHC decided to do the mini Muck Ruck on Saturday encompassing a little over 10 miles of walking.  If you’ve ever been to Granite Falls, you know there are always hills involved.  A big shout out to Udder Butter (Phillip Shows) for organizing this event & we’re looking forward to many more of these in the coming months.

Thanks again to my GF F3 brothers for allowing me to lead this morning.  It’s always a pleasure to “Q” these fine young men.  I can say young, because this morning, YHC was the oldest.

Happy Birthday to Twig (William McNeill) – yes that’s 53 merkins we had to do.  Dang, my arms are fried!!!!

2 Ply out!



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