QIC:  Powder

Ok it was one of the two weather conditions above but YHC dressed as if it was going to be both (go figure). YHC had the Q as Cuz was needing to rest before his 1/2 on Sunday. It just happened to be the morning after my Clemson Tigers lost to some team from the Raleigh Area by one point. It is ok though because on Tuesday night Clemson is going to break a streak that some thought would never be broken and I am going to be there to watch it happen… (knock on wood). I digress… it was rainy and warm and 6 PAX showed up ready to show out (like the Tigers will do Tuesday, I’m getting my hopes way too high). Anyways here is how the Run And Move 3.2 miles went

Warm up-

Side Straaa (wait no lets no do those), ATT X15 IC, Humpys X15 IC, Squats X15 IC

The Thang-

Mosey down 8th Ave crossing over 127 and stopping in YMC parking lot. Went ahead and got the PAX to regret not wearing a rain jacket. On your “six” for box cutters X15 IC and 6″. Hop up and continue the mosey across 4th St NW towards 6th St. Stop for Monkey Humpers X 15IC and Hallelujah Squats X 15IC. Mosey up 6th Street but cross back over to 4th on 7th Ave. Run up 4th St to Oakwood and go under portico. Tricep Dips X15 IC and Incline Merkins X15 IC then mosey down Oakwood hill. 5 Burpees OYO then back to the portico for LBCs X20 IC and Freddie Mercurys X20 IC. Head back down the Oakwood hill and up hospital hill. Stop at the top of hill for 10 lunges/ leg OYO and…… wait for it SSH X 20 IC (just for you retread). Mosey back to flag.



Ephesians 4:26-27

Prayer for an old neighbor as well as the guys running S. Mtn Marathon and 1/2 (aka SoMo).



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