QIC:  Double Bogey, Friar

It was one of those rare occasions for the PAX of Lenoir. An opportunity they obviously had earned; and after all, it’s Christmas time and I was in the giving spirit. What was this great gift? A co-Q from Double Bogey and YHC; two of the most dreaded Q’s in Lenoir. So that was the gift; but what did they do to deserve such a treat? Well, the PAX have a very bad habit of thinking Wednesdays are for fartsacking. YHC had warned of all the pain to come Thursday and Saturday for the sin of fartsacking.

So here is what happened. Merry Christmas!

Warm Up – Double Bogey

  • Several things, YHC can’t remember, I do guarantee there were Smurf Jacks…there is always Smurf Jacks when DB is calling exercises.

Mosey to Stargate A/O for some more pain led by DB

  • Aiken Legs – Step Ups, Box Jumps, Squats, Lunges, and Running Man (20/exercise)
  • Incline Merkins, Decline Merkins, Dips

Time for Friar to take charge

Mosey to big hill on Church Street for Black Jack

  • Top of hill 20 Carolina Dry Docks; Bottom of hill 1 In & Out
  • 19 CDD; 2 I&O
  • We got to around 10 CDD & 11 I&O’s before time was getting away from us.

Mosey back to shovel flag

  • LBC’s 50xIC
  • Flutter Kicks 50xIC



  • I hope, but seriously doubt, this teaches the PAX to have a better effort of making it to Stargate and run with us.
  • Snips at the end was so thankful for our co-Q he almost guaranteed it would happen again. It went something like: “I’ll make sure that *blah, blah blah* happens again!”
  • Baby Face was caught in the act…won’t say much else but he owes Swinger some chocolates and flowers.
  • Oh, we had more PAX than any of the other Hickory Region A/O’s. When simply pointing that out, it caused quite a bit of mumblechatter from the Hky boys. Maybe it will inspire them to learn what an alarm is and set it. Probably will be much more productive than lame come backs on Twitter.


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