QIC:  Twin
  • Snips: “Hey guys, Ill be at the Pre-Run in the morning”
  • DB: “Alright man, Ill be there. #HC”
  • …..morning of
  • Snips: “Dude, where’sĀ  my DB”
  • DB: “Nobody likes Snips, I’m sleeping in”

And that was how the morning began at the Den. We then had to listen to Snips remind us the entire workout that he made it to the Pre-Run and nobody else showed up.

Warm up

  • 10 Burpee – OYO
  • Humpies – 15 IC
  • ATT – 15 IC
  • Windmill – 15 IC
  • Finkle Swings – 10 IC
  • Grab a parking spot. Start in the squat position and move side to side touching each line – 10 each

Mosey to Steps

Calf Raises – 25 IC

Mosey to the Blocks. Grab a block. Mosey to the bottom of the Hill

Deck of Doom – Blocks edition

We would flip 4 cards at a time and do the amount of reps on the cards with the correlating suits

  • Hearts – Overhead Press
  • Diamonds – Bench Press
  • Clubs – Curls
  • Spades – Squats

In between every set we ran up the hill and over to the theater and back to the Card table.

Mosey to the tennis courts


  • Freddy Mercury
  • X Factors
  • Hello Dolly
  • Then we did flutter kicks as we did the count off and name-a-rama

WOD: Psalm 78 – It is our task as men to teach our children the Word of God, so they can pass it to the next generation and the next. We are currently skipping generation. Its time to Man up!


Snips made it to the pre-run


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