QIC:  Wile E

I love these cool mornings we are having now… the cold air really helps motivate you to get warm!! First Q at Hemi with 10 PAX! and this is how it went…

Warm Up

SSH 20x IC
Windmill 15x IC
Humpees 15x IC
LAC F & R 10x IC

Mosey to Elementary school parking lot

DORA 1-2-3 Partner Up
1 PAX runs lap around outside of parking lot and other reps and switch
100 Merkins cumulative
200 LBCs cumulative
300 Squats cumulative

Mosey to football field

Partner Up on Sideline
1 PAX holds legs up and other wheelbarrels for 10 paces and then switch places back and forth to other sideline.
Play Leap frog back across field over partner to midway and lunge walk the rest.

Leave field and at the gate single file line for Bear Crawl inch worm back to AO

Abs with Partner – Leg lift push downs
Hello Dollys 15x IC

Babyface took us on a flight with the FALCON – Freddie Mercuries, American Hammers, LBCs, Crunchy Frogs, Obliques (each side) and kNee lifts.

And for good measure 1 minute of Elbow plank.


Proverbs 16:24
Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones.
Lets be the ones who encourage and lift others up with our words. Be the light for others going through tough times and struggles. We never know when we could be in those shoes! Prayer!

Wile E out!






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