QIC:  Friar

It was a damp, humid morning in wonderful Hudson this past Friday when Double Bogey and I came rolling into Hemi. A little background must be given for us to understand the significance of this workout: (1) DB and I are preparing for a 200 mile relay run with some of the fellas and needed mileage and (2) a week ago F3 Lenoir was called out for not showing up to Hemi enough and (3) I’ve not posted and have wanted to for months (Sorry Suppository). The result? I made sure we got some mileage in and represented my favorite A/O in all the region, RAM! Karma? Yes, there was. In the Facebook post I alluded to earlier, Udder Butter called us out with some kind of score like 4-0 GF; well, this morning it was 8-2 Lenoir. One must be careful when calling out one of the fastest growing Hky Region areas! (Props to the Mount, by the way, great numbers down there!)

With all that said; here’s what went down:


  • SSH – ICx10
  • Humpies – ICx10
  • LAC – ICx10
  • Rev. LAC – ICx10

Take off and mosey up Cedar Valley Road to the HUB

  • Booyah! Merkins – ICx10
  • Bropees – ICx10

Mosey from the HUB to downtown Hudson (if there is such a thing) to Vintage Cafe

  • Partner 1-legged squats 5/leg per PAX
  • Wheelbarrow Merkins – P1 gets in Merkin position and P2 grabs P1’s ankles. P1 takes 4 “steps” does 5 merkins, takes another 4 “steps” and does 5 merkins; flapjack with P2 and P2 does same routine

Mosey from Vintage Cafe to Redwood Park by pool at picnic shelter

  • Domino Merkins – PAX line up in straight line one behind the other, take an air chair, PAX at back drops and does 5 merkins stays in plank and next PAX repeats; go all the way down the line. Rinse and repeat.
  • Cliffhanger Arm-ups – P2 holds P1 ankles, P1 puts hands on bench of picnic table and on Q’s command steps us one hand and then other hand on table of picnic table and then each hand back down on bench; that’s 1. Do these in cadence for 10 and then flap jack.

Mosey to Hudson Elementary through trails in Redwood Park stop at traffic circle for Mary

  • LBC’s – ICx10
  • Flutter Kicks – ICx10
  • Leg Raises – ICx10

Mosey back to A/O



Quote from Albert Einstein: “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”


  • Hoepefully, we’ve learned how big a showing we can have from Lenoir; and it won’t take being called out again to have those numbers.
  • Granite, you guys should feel bad for leaving UB and Turd Herder out to dry as the only GF PAX to post.
  • We still showed up better than Hickory. What’s going on with you guys? 3 at Expresso and only 6 at RAM? You guys are WAY better than that!
  • Suppository, brother, I can’t wait to get back down to RAM.
  • While we are the issue of numbers posting; have I mentioned all the attendance surge going on at Then Mount? Props to you Shorty and gang!

Great time men of Hemi! Let’s do it again, real soon!


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