QIC:  Twig

It was an honor and a privilege to guest Q at Prison Break this morning.  We had 8 Pax, motivated and ready to go!!

Warmups x 15

  • SSH
  • Alt Toe Touch
  • Humpies
  • Windmills
  • Imperial Storm Troopers
  • Arm Circles
  • Reverse Arm Circles

We mosied to Harper Avenue and got shoulder to shoulder facing the road.  We all dropped down to the down Merkin position.  The last man in line opposite down town jumped up from the down merkin position and ran across each person and dropping back down to the down merkin position.  The man who is next in line at the end of the line hops up as soon as he has been crossed and he follows the man in front of him to the and drops past him.  When done correctly there should be 2 to 3 men up running at all time.  This has the effect of doing several burpees but spaced out. If no name has been given this I would like to refer to this as Indian Burpees.

We then went to the town square where we would all do 10 reps of the following exercises OYO, and after each exercise was done a lap around the town square was completed going in a counter clockwise direction.  The exercises included 10 each:

  • Burpees
  • Imperial Storm Troopers
  • WWII Sit Ups
  • Peter Parkers
  • Mountain Climbers
  • LBC’s
  • Squats
  • RBC’s
  • Merkins
  • American Hammers

Once done we did a rinse and repeat, except that we did 5 of each exercise and ran clockwise around the town square.

We then went to the corner of Main St and West Av and lined up facing the road and did Indian Burpees going away from town back toward the AO.  We went about a block and stopped.

We mosied to a loading dock on Boundary Street.  The dock was about 5′ high.  We scaled the dock and ran down the steps 10 times.

We ran back to the AO and did a song cadence on the way back.

We got the big blocks out once back at the AO and did on set of 10 each of the following block exercises:

  • Curls
  • Stand Up Rows
  • Bent Over Rows
  • Overhead Presses
  • Bench Presses

We put the blocks up.

Count Off


We did a devotion about how we should love one another.  Like I John 4 says, if we say that we love God yet we hate our brother, we are a liar.

Prayers requests.



Note the proper way to spell Wile E. if referring to the Looney Tunes character Wile E. Coyote in the Pax attendance list.  🙂  🙂





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