QIC:  Goodwill
  PAX:  Banjo, Tater Hole, Twig, Matlock, Bogey, Deuce
  Date:  12/09/2021
  AO:  Hurler

So I’ve been nursing a knee boo-boo for a couple weeks and have been missing you men in the mornings. Twig had asked me to guest Q at Hurler a few weeks ago and I had been looking forward to it, so I was glad I felt up for it this week.

I’d been on a scouting mission earlier in the week to find a few dark, sketchy sites to visit near the town square in Granite Falls (which is more of a triangle actually) and had some ideas. I also brought a heavy, lumpy, strappy friend with me, but more on that later.

0530 (Deuce was still in his nice, warm truck until we started moving in an organized way) Warmup:

On the wide row of steps that look more like gospel choir stand, I stood below like I was literally preaching to the choir and called out exercises.

SSH x 20 IC, Windmill x 10 IC, Humpy x 10 IC, ATT x 10 IC

The Thang:

Everyone down into the parking lot, line up abreast. Inch Worm to the other side of the lot at your own pace. Banjo got there first (duh). Side Shuffle back to start. Side Shuffle back to start to get both sides.

Mosey to my truck, introduce PAX to the heavy sandbag I brought to include in the rest of the workout. We would all take turns carrying and incorporating the bag the rest of the time. Mosey to some little wall I found next to the RR tracks. Line up in Tricep Dip position side-by-side. PAX with the heavy bag is on the end with the bag in his lap, everyone does 5 Dips and pause, pass the bag to the next PAX, do 5 Dips, pass the bag, 5 Dips and so on down the line. Flip over and do 20 Incline Merkins OYO.

Mosey to grassy GF Town Square (triangle) and line up on your 6, abreast. Hold American Hammer position while PAX on end starts passing heavy bag down the line to one end, then back, all while holding AH position. Flip over to Tunnel of Love formation with heavy bag on end. Pull bag underneath to the next PAX, all the way to the end, then reverse and pull it back to start under each PAX.

Mosey down street towards the Pet Shop (w/ 1 PAX carrying heavy bag), then around back to a pile of pallets I found. Each PAX grab a pallet and do OH Press x 10 OYO, then hold pallet in front of you and extend your arms straight out x 10, then OH Press x 10, then front pallet extensions x 10.

Yog back towards downtown, turn down Alley, stop at long wall by police station. PAX line up against the wall for People’s Chair with heavy bag in the guy’s lap on the end. PAX with bag hold it for 20 sec or so, then pass to the next guy and so on. After a couple min, add in Wonderbras x 10 IC, Muhammed Ali x 10 IC, Joe Frazier x 10 IC until bag reaches last guy in line.

Mosey around corner to a long brick wall beside Granite Drug. Line up abreast in Tricep Dip position. Repeat Dips x 5 passing the heavy bag down the line. Flip over for Decline Merkins x 10. Mosey back to square for a round of Clipboard Guys where 1 guy calls an exercise, then runs around the block while the PAX do said exercise. We did Squats, Lunges, Box Cutters, Dying Cockroaches, WW2 Situps, and some other stuff.

Count-O, Name-O, WOD:

Christmas always makes me think of Generosity. I’m keenly aware of how blessed I am and how able I am to help those in need if I have the opportunity. Please look for those opportunities this Christmas season, and all year long for that matter.  We’re all incredibly blessed to live where we live, when we live, and surrounded by the community of believers we’re surrounded by. Don’t take that for granted.

Thanks for having me up to GF today fellas. I didn’t even Hurl.





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