QIC:  Kleenex
  PAX:  ThinkTank, Twig, Banjo, Deuce, Poodle, TammyFaye, BabyFace, Matlock
  Date:  11/04/2021
  AO:  Hurler

Temperature: 45 degrees

Have you ever heard of the ALL BLACKS? The Rugby team of New Zealand, famous for their history and strong tradition of success.  Before they start any game, they perform a haka, a Māori challenge or posture dance. Actually, it’s more of a warrior chant, to intimidate the other team. There is something to it because they are DOMINATORs!

  – 77% winning record since 1884

  – only international men’s side to have secured more wins than losses against EVERY opponent!   

  – Since their debut in 1903, 11 countries have NEVER won a game against the All Blacks!

  – 2003, New Zealand has held the number-one ranking longer than all other teams combined.

  – They’ve won the Int’l Rugby trophy 18x in the competition’s 25-year history!

We at F3 are All Blacks too


  – Look at our Logo.

  – Our invigorating intensity.

  – Our record of success, taking sad clowns and developing Men!

So Today on 11/4 I will honor The All Blacks with sets of 4, 11 at a time, ALL BLACK Style!  Before I do any set, I will perform a haka, with less of a warrior chant, more of an “next exercise is____, in cadence, exercise”, you know, to keep things rolling. You get it. Let’s do this.

Disclaimer/Warm-up: all x11 IC

Imperial Storm Troopers

Hip flexor Wide walkers

Hip flexor Reverse walkers


Arm Circles (fwd/rev)


Rockin Moroccans

Rockin Rockettes

Mosey to the wall @DrugStore

Continuous workout :11 ct

SET 1, then run to opposite wall in front of Huffys, SET 2, then run back to wall at DrugStore… rinse repeat for total of 4 Sets.


Mosey to FBC parking lot:

PAX Partner up

   – Michigan’s (2 groups)

    SET 1:  80/40/20

    SET 2:  100/50

Mosey to the wall @Huffys:

Turn on Wall for 4 sets IC:

  – Mike Tyson’s x11

  – Mountain Climbers x11

  – Thrusters x11

  – Parker Peters x11

Mosey to start @Mackie Furn:

On six IC:

  – Russian Twists x11

  – Flutter Kicks 11x


What’s in a NAME?

We all have been named.

  – Our parents do at birth.

  – Our family does by heritage.

  – Our work does by position/title.

And F3 does by…. nickname. They may be stupid names, but they are OUR stupid names…from “here on and hence forth!”

But what is Gods Name?  Does He have a name? Does He NEED a name?  HE IS!  THE I AM!!


I encourage you to Pray to Him by Name. Acknowledging Him. He is Our Creator. He is Providing. He Never Leaves or Forsakes you. He is Most High.

Remember: Don’t forget to Pray today, because God didn’t forget to get you up this morning.


Many various …Many unspoken.

Glad to be Here!




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