PAX:  PBR,Hanger, Spokes, Cannonball, Banyface, Bismarck
  Date:  08/17/2021
  AO:  Prison Break

With the forecast of rain wasn’t sure what size group we would have. However these guys are committed and we had 7 men for the workout. Started with the usual warmups ( side straddle hops, storm troopers, humpys). Then one round of circle merkins clockwise and then circle merkins counter clockwise. Next a mosey to the school for a Bernie up run down, bear crawl up run down and repeat.  Next to a parking lot for the 4 corners – 20 squats, 5 lunges, 20 jump squats, 5 big boy sit-ups. Decreasing or increasing til we were up to 20 or down to 5 at each corner. Next back to the school for some 2 legged calf raises followed by a mosey to the next steps for 1 legged calf raises.  From there to the statue for dips and incline merkins. Next back to the parking lot for jumping across the parking line up and back 3 times. Next the parking line square merkins(start 1 corner line 10 merkins bear crawl right to next line 9 merkins bear crawl down the the other corner do 8 then leftto the corner til for 7 til we got down to 1.) I lost my popularity vote with this creation. Finally we found a dry spot for some planking complaint filled ab/core work. Back to the AO. Words of the day a billboard outside of a church in Colorado I recently saw.  “Do people see the same person in you that your dog says you are?” Thanks for coming out this morning.




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