QIC:  Twin
  PAX:  Hanger, Baby Face, Bismarck, PBR, Twin(Q)
  Date:  08/05/2021
  AO:  Prison Break

Rolled in to the usual crowd, minus Swinger – on vacation. Luckily Baby Face was there so the mumble chatter was alive and well. I walk in the circle and try to start this thing, but they guys are clucking like hens this morning so I just started anyway…

  • ATT
  • Humpies
  • LAC
  • RLAC
  • Toy Soldiers

Then we took a lap up to the town square and back. I knew there was going to be block work and if you don’t let these Lenoir guys run an little they get pissy, so I had to take them for a lap. 

Once we arrived back at the AO we got our blocks and went around to the front of the AO so we could see the hill in front of the old Lenoir High School.

Deck of Doom:

So the routine was to do 2 rounds of the deck of doom and then run the hill. We had Overhead Press, Curls, Goblet Squats, and Bench. I EVEN BROUGHT A WHITE BOARD THAT HAD ALL OF THIS SPELLED OUT. This should have been simple……just complete the number of reps by suit for each round. This turned out to not be so simple. Luckily, we had Baby Face there to do the math…….otherwise, everyone did what ever exercise they wanted and however many times they wanted to do them. 

We got through the deck and moseyed back to the AO and put our blocks away. We had plenty of time to run up to the police station real quick for some calf raises. After that, it was quittin time

WOD – The PAX COT over the past several weeks have been hitting the sweet spot. A word on patience and friendship is just what I needed. So I took a minute to tell them how much I appreciate this thing and how important it is to be here for nothing more than the 2nd F. We all need this in our lives, lets not let each other go back to Sad Clown status….


  • We are not smart in Lenoir. Math at 0500 is just not happening with this group
  • When PBR hears calf raises, it gets his motor running…….so he took it out on that poor pole. 
  • There was a lot of reminiscing about our college and high school days and and “dem benches and curls”. In fact, Bismarck had several encounters
  • Baby Face spent the rest of the day trying to understand how we were a card short in the brand new deck I brought…….or was it 5 bonus cards. Who knows.
  • This was a wonderful 2nd F workout…….full of TWSS and mumble chatter. But we got a good workout in. 2 miles, plenty of hills, and block work to boot

Twin Out!



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