QIC:  Swinger
  PAX:  Bismarck, Hanger, Twin, Spokes, Friar
  Date:  07/30/2021
  AO:  Infinity

QIC EH’d pax the night before encouraging them to bring a towel, that they would definitely get wet.  

upon morning arrival, spokes seemed to be the only one prepared.  Bismarck (Pre running from house plus a few miles didn’t feel the desire as if it would burden his run, hanger just didn’t care to read the preblast, and twin, well who knows? (Or maybe, I know it’s bc he knows something the others dont, but we’ll get to that later) … 

let’s begin.  

warmup, honestly I can’t remember bc shamefully I waited to long to do the needful here with providing a BB.  But we likely did SSH, 15 IC … oh wait Its coming back to me. I had to teach them a few new exercises so we did those as the warm up.  
SSH; Hacky Sacks (think high knees, except it’s right foot up to left hand, then left foot to right hand and your hand is now the hacky sack); Hop Scotch, (think hacky sack buttkickers again with right hand to left foot and left hand to right foot except kicking behind you this time); Split Jacks (nothing new here); Squat Jumps; High Knees 

Let’s mosey 

headed toward speed hump and then left in greenway along river, would we get wet? nah, let’s keep dry for now.  Stopped a couple times before exiting onto Pennell Rd to do Hacky Sacks (25 ic) and SSH (25 ic).  Headed to the bottom of Charlesmont hell I mean hill.  Convened here for another exercise (high knees? 25 ic).  Ran up hell I mean hill, completed another exercise (can’t remember which of the warmup ones we did but it was to the sun of 25 IC.) back down to bottom and upon pax request did Humpies (25 ic) felt like a good way to rest after that hill.  Noticing the time, it’s fleeting and all, I lead us back toward AO the way we came, mostly, we split right when we came up on another runner so he wouldn’t be intimidated by our run by.  But then EH’d him in passing later to next Friday’s  workout encouraging him he shouldn’t have to run alone.  Ok, so back to the run… QIC had an agenda, and time was of the essence, so we continued past the AO toward Twin’s house.  Upon arrival, a few jokes were made about let’s take a swim and let’s check out your deck! Little did they know… we moseyed through the gate where QIC stripped shirt and shoes and jumped in and encouraged the rest to do the same.  All but Bismarck felt this was a great idea! Then I introduced them to a carterico classic! (Morehead city region) 
ball washer routine: great way to end a workout.  Usually in the ocean, but when you’re not on the coast you find the nearest pax pool! Thanks Twin! Seeing as how we were all suffering from sweaty balls this would be a sure fire way to clean me up! And we completed all those learned exercises in the pool! 
Hacky Sacks, Hop scotch, High Knees (oops I accidentally said mountain climbers and Spokes being hardcore dove under water and proceeded to carry out said exercise 😱😱😮‍💨🤿), SSH, Split Jacks, Squat Jumps.  These proved to be much more difficult in the water. We exited and left twin at home and managed to pick up friar on the way back to the AO!!! Just in time for the COT.  

“After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone, and the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it. Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.””
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭14:23-33‬ ‭NIV‬‬

I settled on the fact that for peter it took great faith to step out of the boat.  But it take even greater faith to continue to trust God.  I’m sure just about the time when that cold water slapped his balls (every man knows that’s the worst moment of any pool lake or ocean entry) he snapped out of that supernatural moment and began to focus on the water around him now rising instead of on Christ.  Trust God, keep our eyes fixed on him, keep the faith brothers! 
mostly found throughout the bb

I feel, and hanger agrees, that bb’s are vital and really tell a story. I couldn’t simply just list all the exercises.  I hope you felt present with us, better I hope you want to be present with us the next time! 
prayers for RX half marathon, missing pax, present pax, QIC personal request for struggle I deal with in my sales job to make the first phone call every day, I don’t like rejection (ha, funny that I am now 8 years in a job that forced me to get out of that zone of comfort) and I find myself falling prey to distractions rather than doing the needful.  

swinger out 







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