QIC:  Hanger
  PAX:  Cannonball, PBR, Swinger, Bismarck, Twin
  Date:  08/03/2021
  AO:  Prison Break


Word went out pretty early from folks who wouldn’t be able to make it for this mornings beating. Spokes is jetting around the country burning down lumberyards to keep his stock options up, and Babyface has been roped into leading a group of some other guys that just couldn’t live without his mumble chatter.

Noting that scheduled Q, Audit, has gone AWOL, YHC asked Master Q, Twin, if there was a sub scheduled. I’m pretty sure that Twin then twirled his mustache and deliberately misinterpreted my question as an offer to take over–fine, but you won’t be happy.



  • Block/Kettlebell Swings x50 (stop when first person hits 50)
  • Hand release merkins x20 
    • Mosey back to AO
  • Block upright rows x 50 (stop when first hits 50)
    • Mosey with block to Aiken Electric
  • Partner up. First partner runs around far side parking lot railing, while partner #2 does exercise AMRAP on or around half wall. Each exercise 3/4 rounds or until YHC got bored
  • Somewhere in there we added in
    • flutter kick IC x25
    • Bench press IC x 20
    • flutter kick IC x 20
  • Mosey back to AO with block
    • WW2 situps with block x 20 OYO
  • Bear crawl half length of parking lot, crab walk next half, do same coming back
  • Lunge walk forward to end of lot, reverse lunge back
  • Put the block away, overhead presses on the way to block storage, because I forgot to do them before.

The word:

What is most misunderstood about friendships?

Very few people understand that your social relationships can actually change your health. They can change your cardiovascular system, your immune system, how you sleep, your cognitive health. How could this thing that exists entirely outside the body affect whether you’re likely to catch a virus? And yet that’s exactly what we now know that social connection does. We thought of loneliness as this difficult emotion, but just an emotion. And we think of friends as this lovely thing — but it is actually a matter of life and death. And there’s this evolutionary drive to connect. People think all the time about competition and survival of the fittest, but really it’s survival of the friendliest.


  • Friar, we love you
  • Twin’s back is still stupid. Bear crawls are good for that right?
  • Southern Sundown 4 miler, August 21. The cub is that morning, don’t look for me there.
  • My kid is not my friend



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