PAX:  Spokes,Twin, PBR, Goldberg, RX
  Date:  07/02/2021
  AO:  Infinity

Woke up to a nice steady rain this morning and said great I got Q today.  Goldberg was already there ready to complete his Parade of Horribles and then PBR, Spokes and Twin show up. Did the usual warmup.  Decided with the rain we wouldn’t stray too far away from the AO but could still get a good workout in. Started down the greenway so we could literally get our feet wet down to a few merkins then a few more puddles and some 1.2.3 squats to up a hill for some lunge walks then back to the church for what I call circle merkins (a twist on an F3 favorite). Next we introduced Goldberg to another lady in Lenoir, Beverly Circle. for a double Beverly (twice up and around Beverly) Between Wednesday and Friday Goldberg met Sharon, Gwynn, and Beverly and discovered streets with lady’s names usually means hills in Lenoir. From there to the church for some Diamond Merkins, and then a reverse lap on Beverly to give us a different perspective. Finally back to the greenway to wash our feet again and to the AO where we attempted some plank leg raises followed by plank mountain climbers which by the way are not designed for wet surfaces. Word of the day to challenge ourselves to love others as Jesus does and not walk away from opportunities to care for and love on those we come in contact with no matter how different they may be.




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