PAX:  Medball, Bismarck, Spokes, Goldberg,RX
  Date:  06/30/2021
  AO:  Stargate

Nice foggy humid morning  in Lenoir. Nice to have Goldberg and Medball to join the Lenoir crew this morning. Started off with the word of the day from Proverbs 17:22 “a joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones”. Interpretation, don’t let all the negativity and bad things in this world get you down. Enjoy life and remember life is here is only temporary compared to eternity.
We started our run down the hill towards the hospital, just before the hospital I spot a nice 3 foot long black snake greeting us good morning and making me glad I used the bathroom before I came to the run.  Next we started our ascend up Norwood street and up a little hill called Gwynn street. From there up the climb of Ridge street to the graveyard for some more hill climbing and then  to our other favorite lady Sharon avenue. Fortunately this time we ran down not up and then back to AO. Little over 500 feet elevation gain and a really good time hanging out with some good guys this morning. As always never regretting giving up sleep for the experience.  Come join us some time.




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