QIC:  Swinger
  PAX:  Banjo, Fescue, Think Tank, Fog Horn, Sega, Round Up, Babyface, Miss Kitty, Twig, Udder Butter, Weed, Castaway, Jumpsuit,
  Date:  06/26/2021
  AO:  300

QIC rolls in about 6:15, hangs for 5 mins and drives around to discover he was on the wrong side of the school.  A few cars roll in, worried about hauling this phone around I scramble to transfer to the ol winky.  Hop out of the car with a min to spare and there’s a really good turn out and more continue to roll in, words exchanged with Twig who I later discover us Udder Butter, I need to get out of lenoir more.  He was really curious about my frantic activities in the car before hand.  Another car squeals in and it’s a lenoir familiar babyface! As promised from his previous evening HC! I assume our periods (Garmins) are all in sync so Let’s begin! 

15 SSH, Alternating Toe Touches, LAC (forward, reverse, Chinooks), Humpies


it’s a long mosey complaints fired and we’re only 5 mins in, this is going to be a long morning! 

Stadium closed? No worries, really my entire workout required access to that glorious staircase and track. 

Where’s a hill? 

let’s do this Thang! 

Stairway to Sevens (on a hill) Hillway to High? Like highway to hell? Trying to hard here’s what went down…

1 Burpee 1 Merkin at bottom run to top 1 Squat

rinse repeat adding 1 more count each rep 

111; 222; 3 of each to 7 of each 

mosey to end of parking lot 

Railroad Tracks (the twisted sister of the Indian Run) 

or as Castaway exclaimed a few hurdles In, “oh I see it’s like the Indian run only WORSE”

Pax lineup first runs 5 yards and drops to low plank (horizontal think speed bump or hurdle or I guess a railroad tie) next pax jumps low planker and continues 5 yards before joininG the plank line, each pax follows previous hurdling all pax.  After ALL pax pass them First pax gets up and hurdles and continues this slow progression until the parking lot end this took about 4 maybe 5 transitions to make the distance.  Some pax have smaller yards than others, babyface has the longest yards.

Foghorn gives us a 10 count (which many Pax encouraged him to provide as SLOWLY as possible)

partner up for this next pain station

Catch me if you Can  

partner 1 dropped and did 5 LBCs partner 2 proceeds in a backwards run away leading around the LARGE parking lot (equivalent to 1/4 mile track) until partner 1 (running forward tags them. Partner 2 then drops for 5 LBCs while Partner 1 is now backwards running away, rinse repeat this for one lap.  

babyface informs QIC “look we’re halfway done!” :30 mins in and I’m like “oh no this is terrible I’m not used to an hour of this” 

QIC then invited PAX “if you don’t like your partner, guess what, you switch and that’s Swinger style!”
Rinse repeat lap of Catch me if you Can this time with 10 merkins.  

I really wanted stairs today I was promised a stadium.  Udder butter leads the way to some extra wide stairs for this next one! 

Merkin Mountain

Incline Merkin 1x on first stair then bear crawl a couple stairs so your feet are now where your hands previously were.  Incline merkin 2x and continue stair bear crawl increasing merkins by 1. Finished at top with 10 merkins. 

slowsy back to AO 

rinse repeat 

(Not the whole thing, sheesh I’m not a monster) just stairway to seven but this time not on a hill. 

we did 1 LBC, 1 WW2 sit-up, jog across lot to flag and complete 1 squat. Jog back and increase workouts by 1. Do this back and forth until reaching 7 of each.  

Finish with 2 mins to spare. QIC felt that was enough misery for us all.  


How would you like a list of things to do to be happy? God gave us very simple instructions on how to be happy.  Jesus’s sermon on the mount gave us the Beattitudes.  The word “Blessed” comes from the Greek word Makarios meaning “Happy”, so read it now replacing “blessed” with “happy”

““Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

if you’re still reading this kudos! 

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:3-12‬ ‭NIV‬‬

don’t worry, be happy

prayers (God knows and remembers the need here) 

Announcements: 2nd F end of July at  Crawdads game, free tickets if we clean the stadium? 
dad camp in august, old fort! 

shirt order near deadline! 

swinger out! 



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