QIC:  Spokes
  PAX:  Bismarck, Twin, Grout, Hanger, Deuce, Spokes (QIC)
  Date:  06/26/21
  AO:  The Den

I sent a note on Slack as I looked out at the Q Schedule for the next weeks and saw a few conflicts with my schedule preventing me from Q’ing.  The note came back with the PAX eager to make a switcheroo which one switch was for me to Q today’s workout opposed to next Saturday.  Of course I’ll make the switch however this is only my second Q at The Den as I’m typically a 4 a week PAX during the summer months as my M has to live up to her FIA name “Picker” and hit the early AM garage sales so I stay home with my 2.3.  Enough of the ramble…

Warm Up (20 IC)

Side Straddle Hops, Alternating Toe Touch, Windmills, Humpies, Imperial Storm Troopers

Mosey to the bridge near the traffic light at Highway 18. Incline & Decline Merkins (15 IC)

Bataan Death March (rear PAX performs 5 Burpees and then catches up to the front while the next rear PAX performs 5 Burpees) to the front entrance to WLMS school.

Mosey to grass hill leading up to HHS stadium.  Bear Crawl to the top of the hill, perform 5 Burpees, crab walk back down the hill.

Mosey to the rear parking area behind the concession stand

7 of Diamond Exercise routine.  Perform 7 of each exercise on each of the four corners and then once all four corners are achieved then increase 7 as you move to the next exercise.  We did 7 Burpees, 14, Flutters (IC), 21 Merkins, 28 Squats at each of the four corners.

Mosey to lower stadium stairs at the Student Section and lunge walk to the top of the stadium.  Perform 15 Dips IC on top step.

Mosey around the back half of the stadium and return to the AO.

Full time reached!


The world we live in is truly something that is concerning as we raise kids.  Teaching them what is truly right in God’s eyes is a challenge and the things our kids see in commercials and around them can really influence them.  Stay grounded in God’s word with your kids.  “9Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.”  1 Cor. 6:9-10  I was reminded of this as my 9 year old asked what Pride meant during a commercial regarding the celebration of June being PRIDE month.  How can something that God teaches is a sin be something to be proud of?  This became something my M discussed with my 2.3 in order to help answer her question.

Count Off & Name-o-rama


  • Deuce scares kittens
  • Performing Decline Merkins on a bridge with your feet on the guardrail while a car crosses the bridge adds a new challenge
  • Moderate Indian Run with Grout in the lead takes on a new meaning.
  • Glad we saved the hill portion of the Indian Run for Twin as he didn’t do enough hill repeats at Prison Break on Thursday.
  • Guess we should’ve taken to the field for the 7 of Diamonds even though there were other non-F3r’s using the stadium to workout.


Spokes Out





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