QIC:  Bismarck
  PAX:  Spokes, Friar, Rx, Kickstand
  Date:  06/23/2021
  AO:  Stargate

Sitting there Tuesday evening was thinking about what route to travel for Stargate.  The first thought was in town and had all different directions including going thru buildings.  Sent it out and had basically “he’s crazy” from Spokes and Babyface but did get a “we could fly around it” from Hanger.  So, second route came to mind.  Not sure why I chose this one being so many hills but wanted to add some new streets not travelled before.  

Wednesday morning rolls around and with it in the 50’s and no humidity it was a fantastic time to run.  Folks were rolling in or had already rolled.  Went over quickly the route, gave a prayer of hope that we survive and prayer.  Friar did mention the quote I gave was given at a funeral earlier so really pumped up the crowd for.not surviving.

So, we strolled along and for the first 2 1/2 to 3 miles the 5 of us stayed together.  Once out of the sketchy areas the 3 fastest runners felt confident enough that they didn’t need the 2 old, fat slow guys for bait.

Needless to say we all survived and for the better.  Missed our other brothers but always tomorrow.

COT:  Peace I leave with you: my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid

Biz out.



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