QIC:  Twin
  PAX:  Rx, Spokes, PBR, Bismarck, Twin
  Date:  06/24/2021
  AO:  Prison Break

“This is going to hurt me more than its going to hurt you.” Did you ever hear that before you parents disciplined you? It didn’t used to make any sense to me until I had kids. Anyway, that is what I told the guys before we started today. This workout was very uncharacteristic of me. I knew it was going suck, but I also knew I needed a push. If there is anything I hate, its running hills…….so we did that a bunch. Here’s how it went


  • LAC
  • RLAC
  • Windmill
  • ATT

Let’s mosey to the police station for calf raises 20IC

We went and ran the steps across from Piccolos. Then it was time for the thang

“Ladder for Hell” – I’ll be honest, not sure why I wanted to do this. It sounded good in my head. I planted a white board before the workout. When I grabbed it and explained what we would be doing, then showed them the exercises……I got this blank look on their faces. I heard a lot of “Are you smoking”, “Whats wrong with you”, and “Thats a lot of burpees”. Now if there were more people from my generation there, it would have been a lot more complaining and moaning. But these Gents (age 45+) just got down and got to work.

I had 5 exercises listed out. For each one we would start at the bottom of the hill and do 10, then up the hill for 9, down the hill for 8, up for 7, etc…

The list went like this:

  • Burpees (55 total)
  • Squats (55 total)
  • American Hammers (55 total)
  • Merkins (55 total)
  • Burpees (55 total)
  • ***and by the way, I clocked cumulative 2+ miles of hill repeats

Mosey back to the AO for Mary

  • Dying Cockroach 
  • LBC
  • X Factor
  • Crunchy Frogs


It sure seems like the world is coming to an end OR I sure wish it would. Jesus is coming back, so lets be ready.

Revelation 21:4 “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”


  • I tried so hard to get Spokes to crack 500 calorie burn and PBR to crack 700. I did not achieve this, but we got close fellas
  • Not a lot of talking today, even from the Q. 
  • I never thought we would finish the entire workout. I put Burpees again at the end to look BA, I never thought we’d actually do them
  • This was one of the hardest workouts I’ve ever led, I appreciate the push from these men to finish this one out
  • All I know is I finished last……sometimes its nice to go slow and finish last
  • Just can’t say enough how impressed I am to have 45+ aged men out here whipping my butt into shape. Thankful for you #HIMs.

Twin out! 



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