QIC:  Hanger
  PAX:  Creamsicle, Goldberg, PBR, Spokes, Bismarck, Twin, Friar
  Date:  06/22/21
  AO:  Stargate


The day prior, Spokes sent a reminder that the next stop at the parade of horribles was due for its next stop at little ol’ Lenoir’s own Prison break workout and asked who this “Hold” pax was. Hanger let everyone know that it was just the latest spelling of “Hanger” and waited for the HCs to come in…and waited some more when only two came in. The pax wanted to wait and see how comfortable their bed was at 4:30 before making any rash decisions.

Swinger felt it necessary to send us a picture from Mexico so now I hate him because I’m jealous  I’m very happy that he’s having a great time

Hanger, actually a few minutes early this time, pulled in to find Bismarck’s SUV parked in its usual spot. Thinking that maybe Bismarck was sleeping in the back, Hanger pounded on the windows and jumped up and down on the bumper, but was embarrassed to be found doing so when Bismarck returned from his daily marathon. While waiting on the other Pax, Hanger pulled out the blocks from behind the church–wouldn’t want to waste any time once we began. 

As the Pax arrived, grabbed their blocks, and circled up, they could barely contain their excitement. “Yay! Blocks!” one of them said. Another: “this is the best day of my life!” and still another: “OH MAN, I LOVE BLOCKS!” **

Hanger gave a short introduction to his own lack of training, strength, and, in fact, ability to count.


SSH x 20

Lots to do, so let’s Mosey with our blocks to Boundary St and Harper (this feels further than I remember)

Little arm circles x 10 IC

Big arm circles x 5  IC (too fast!)

Mosey one block over to Dr Office parking lot, find a patch of grass to put the block

  • Murder bunny from the electrical box to the signboard (between exercises, murder bunny back to other side from where you left the block on the previous rep)
  • Bernie up the grass hill to Davenport Elementary, Mosey back down the stairs
  • Burpees x 10 OYO
  • Murder Bunnies
  • Lunge walk up the hill, mosey down
  • LBC’s x20 IC
  • Murder Bunnies
  • Inchworm up the hill to the tree, mosey rest of the way up and back down
  • Imperial Squats x 20 IC
  • Murder Bunnies
  • Mosey around the block to shake out the legs
  • Merkin Mountain (Inchworm up the hill again, add a merkin to each rep) mosey rest of way up and down again
  • Merkins x 10 IC
  • Werkins x 5 IC
  • Diamond Merkins x 2 IC (Q failed and gave up on planned 5)
  • Murder Bunnies 
  • Prisoner Carry (or carry it any way you can!) block up the stairs
  • Plank x 30 seconds–ish
  • Calf raises with block x 20 OYO (I’m too tired to count) and back down to parking lot
  • Peter Parker Peters x 15 (+1 for friar) IC
  • Murder bunnies
  • Mosey back to AO
  • On end of parking lot lines: start with 2 squats and 2 curls for girls–walk to next line and add 2 to each. Finish with 12x each
  • Put your blocks away
  • cry


WOD: take criticism, but take it from the right people

Friar led a prayer.

Short discussion on spitting F3 Foothills and having Lenoir, Taylorsville, and Granite Falls become their own region in order to facilitate growth north of the river.


I’m not sure if there was actually very little mumble chatter (not very likely,) or if my inability to breathe caused me to be unable to hear what was going on around me (much more likely.)



**Words may have been changed in order to make me feel better




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