QIC:  Babyface
  PAX:  PBR, Swinger, Friar, Bismarck
  Date:  06/15/2021
  AO:  Prison Break

I woke up this morning and almost rolled back over in bed. Something told me I needed to be up though(besides my M) and I got up and got going. Made the drive up to Lenoir and of course the old regulars were there. We pile out of the cars and stand around waiting for the start. It hits 5:15 and I ask, “Who’s got Q?”. I am then hit with the news that it is my Q and I need to update my Slack settings so I get notifications. So, with about 3 seconds notice, here’s the Thang:


  • SSHs(always needed first)
  • Imperial Stormtroopers
  • Windmills
  • Humpies
  • Arm Circles

Now we mosey. During the mosey, I come up with a few things to do. First stop at the old PO for some calf raises. Continue into downtown to the old parking lot.

Find some wall. Hold wall sit and do Muhammed Ali’s, Joe Frazier’s, Bus Driver’s, Push-Up Bra’s and Heel Touches. Bear Crawl across parking lot to other wall and a set of Itsy Bitsy Spiders. Then Bear Crawl back. Two sets of this crowd pleaser. Back to mosey.

Over at the hill beside the old EMS station. 11’s. 10 Merkins at the bottom. 1 Big Boy at the top. Bernie Sanders up the hill and jog down. Then 9 and 2, 8 and 3, etc. 

Extreme fast paced mosey to court house and then run up the hills all the way to Hospice. Then down to the church(not sure denomination. I know it isn’t Lutheran, no empty bottles out front) and some chest work. At the stairs, Derkins, Dips, Merkins. Running low on time, so only one set.

Back to AO, by way of the secret tunnel, and just enough time for some quick Mary. Protractor fun. Then finish with a set of American Hammers. Call it quits for the day.

COT:  Again, completely unprepared, so……..be good to your neighbor. Just be good people and treat others how you want to be treated. Golden Rule.


  • Make sure your Slack notifications are on
  • Mosey is an excellent exercise if you need to plan on the fly
  • Friar wanted extra credit for finishing his 11’s first
  • Apparently a lot of people think I act like Donald Glover from Community

There are a lot of Lenoir guys traveling this week. Be safe and we’ll see you soon brothers!


Babyface out



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