Warmup 20 Side Straddle Hops IC 20 Alternating Toe Touches IC The Thang We left TI and headed towards downtown.  While rucking, I wanted to throw in a few exercises while wondering around.  I planned to hit 2 miles rucking with some samples along the way.  We headed to the […]
Beautiful Thursday morning at PB….cool temps and nice breeze.  The crew rolled in for the challenge of the day. Started of with the normal not responsible, hospital and something about not being a professor or professional….. We decided to start as a mosey and at about every so often stopped […]
Audit had Q but was unable to Post HOWEVER he created a route…we ran in the humid gloom with some long hill pulls from corner of Pennton Ave./Main St. and from Fairfield Chair to the AO on College Ave.  It was a sweaty good time of run/fellowship     On […]
YHC used a meme as a weinke. Highly recommend this one for your next Q. Arrived to catch Arby’s returning from his solo pre-run. Three additional PAX show up and we circle up. YHC give mission and disclaimer, and we start the warm-up (all in cadence): 10 Little Arm Circles […]