QIC:  Spokes
  PAX:  Bismarck, Rx, Swinger, PBR, Twin, Hanger, Babyface, Spokes (QIC)
  Date:  06/08/21
  AO:  Prison Break

On the family vacay last week and got some humid coastal running in and was pumped for some cardio with some pain.  Preblast went out noting you Post or you get labeled as a Fartsacker.  Well, the PAX didn’t disappoint and most of the regulars posted and it thrilled me to see and hear the mumblechatter aka complaining/whining about the Q’s choice of exercises.

Warmup (20IC)

SSH’s, Imperial Storm Troopers, LBAC’s, Humpies, Alternating Toe Touch

Mosey to old Williams Produce Market Parking Lot – 20 Merkins & 20 LBC’s all OYO

Mosey to corner of West Ave/Downum St. – At each corner of block alternate performing 20 Merkins or 20 LBC’s OYO.  Planned for four laps but completed 3 and planked for the six…tons of mumblechatter was heard but time was the factor for dropping a lap.

Mosey to OBGYN office parking lot with Twin providing a ten count.  Complete a B O M B S ladder workout (cumalative exercises with each turn) as we snake the parking lot.  B-10 Burpees, O-15 Overhead Press, M-20 Merkins, B-25 Big Boy Situps, S-30 Squats.  At each travel across the parking lot alternate from Bear Crawl to Lunge Walk.  Plenty of modification with PBR and a few others keeping their count off another PAX however not sure where they started.  

Mosey to corner of West Ave/Boundary St.  Perform 20 Squats run to traffic light at Ashe/Boundary and perform 20 Monkey Humpers and run back to West Ave/Boundary St. corner and rinse/repeat except Bernie Sanders up to traffic light.

Mosey to AO and call it done…2 miles and basically stayed within one city block of AO. I had gone to a F3 Hickory workout several weeks ago at the ER AO and experienced some of the same exercises and knew that is one of the toughest AO’s in our region.  I wanted our PAX to experience F3 Lenoir’s version minus the parking deck/ER Lap.  

I asked the PAX if any were orphans…Twin accurately answered as we are all were orphans when it comes to our relationship with Christ.  In John 14:18, Jesus says, “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.”    I shared a story that one of our Associate Pastors shared Sunday (shortened version) regarding an Orphan being adopted in Taiwan and how the orphan came from a very rough situation but that’s all they knew and once adopted and before they left Taiwan they were in the hotel with their new family and unable to speak/understand the language at the end of the first day they placed their shoes by the door and went to the door…prepared to head back to the rough life they knew yet didn’t know what lay ahead as they were going to be heading to the USA to live in a comfortable home with a new family that would love/adore them.  That’s what Christ does with us…we are loved and adored by Him.

That’s how it rolled today in the humid gloom.  

Spokes Out!





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