QIC:  Snips
  PAX:  PBR, Bismarck, Friar, Swinger
  Date:  06/02/2021
  AO:  Prison Break

YHC arrived right on time like usual 😉 Then we got started on this chilly morning.


SSH, Windmill, Hairy Rockettes, then I was too cold to keep warming up, it wasn’t warming me up quick enough



We moseyed to the area where all the needles are on the ground that people were getting to the clouds with and we did air chair (Muhammad Ali, Joe Frasier, Overhead claps, Push up bras) Then we ran a circle up the sidewalk and down the steps and came back and rinsed and repeated. Then after we did the circle again we did new air chair workouts (Penguin, bus driver, ascending testicles, and itsy bitsy spiders) after that we moseyed to the big clock in the middle of town and did Descending BURPEES / 10 burpees, ran a circle around the block, 9 burpees, ran a circle, 8 burpees, ran a circle, 7 burpees, ran a circle, 6 burpees, ran a circle and so on and so forth to 1. Then we did the same scenario but with 50 LBC’s and went down by 5, so 50 LBC’s, ran a circle around the block, 45 LBC’s ran a circle, 40 LBC’s ran a circle, 35 LBC’s ran circle, and so on and so forth. The last workout was we moseyed to the AO and did 2 sets of ring of fire workouts, first was planks and 10 push ups and the second was howling monkeys where we stood in monkey humper position and went around and did 10 Monkey Humpers. COT was a story of when our Lord returns and what will happen,

Isaiah 26:19

 19  Your dead shall live; their bodies shall rise.

You who dwell in the dust, awake and sing for joy!

For your dew is a dew of light,

and the earth will give birth to the dead.






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