QIC:  Fuse
  PAX:  Cousin Eddie, Goodwill, Diamond Dave, Hay Hay, Belding, Centerfold, Plank, Flexseal, Lip Sync, HBC, Medball, Non-Standard Deduction, Markup, Gump
  Date:  05/31/2021
  AO:  Diablo Rojo



Task: Conduct a 45 minute, peer-led workout in Newton, NC at AO Diablo Rojo

Condition: F’n perfect. 

Standard: Complete the workout with as much Sh*t talking as possible, don’t quit but modify as necessary


I like to make my workouts somewhat difficult but doable, simple so that the mumble chatter persist without thinking too much and somewhat keep everyone together.  I think it went accordingly.  I scoped out the AO the day before, I used to serve ice cream during the Old Soldiers Reunion festivals downtown, also, I shot a little pool at the local pool hall so I’m somewhat familiar.  Apparently there are hills around… I didn’t see any. I just kept it simple.  Right in the middle of down town is the courthouse on it’s own little island block.  Pretty unique.  This is where all the action happened.


Warmup: some stuff, normal stuff.


Bear crawl to the first corner, 7 merkins at corner, Lunge walk to the next corner, 7 merkins, burpee-long-jump to the next corner, 7 merkins, squat-long-jumps back to the starting corner, 7 merkins, mosey 1 lap then do an ab workout of choice until the 6 arrives.

Next lap we adjusted.  We high-knee skipped halfway(don’t laugh, it’s good for your hips) then did each respective exercise the 2nd half of the straightaway, however, we did 20 merkins at each corner if you chose to skip.

Next lap we adjusted again, high-knee skips, halfway, respective exercise, 5 merkins each corner

we almost made it through a 4th lap



Someone was beefing during bear crawls, HBC is a fast bear, I’m a slow bear.

Star represented, even some HKY pax showed up, it was great getting out of my comfort zone and coming up to Newton, it’s a fun and dynamic AO, I’d like to visit again with a local who knows their way around a little better.

I pity those who went on to workout at ER

Saw a lot of guys today who I don’t typically get to spend time with.  I appreciate you all.  I tend to be a little hard headed and stick to my routines for a few reasons but it’s always nice to shake it up every now and again.

Can we shorten Non-standard deduction’s name?  NSD sounds pretty cool.  Maybe Nads? (not all deductions standard) it works.


WOD: I pontificated on my experience of war and loss and the true cost of war.  If you get killed, that sucks, but then it has an exponential effect of children, wives, husbands, family, friends who have suffered and lost.  If you kill, it will haunt you and you’ve killed someone who has equally compelling reasons for fighting who also has aspirations of a good life and likely a family just like you.  We don’t choose where we’re born or what we’re raised in, we trust and are influenced by those who raise us.  

 As a soldier, you sign up with great intentions of changing the world (generally)then you do what you have to do to survive.  In the end, maybe I could have made a greater impact in the world by loving my neighbor.  It’s complicated.   

The photo above is of Cpl. Antonio Burnside, his grave site and the medivac that took away the rest of the wounded from the incident, he was killed on our first mission in Afghanistan.  His death bothers me some but he knew what he signed up for, we all did, but I cannot imagine what it’s like having a spouse, parent or sibling taken from you for the rest of your life for a cause that may or may not be just – they didn’t sign up for it.




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