QIC:  Goldburg, Banjo, Udderbutter, Taterhole
  PAX:  Doughboy, Medball, Shortsell, Belding, Centerfold, Ice T, Cousin Eddie, Plank, Markup, Creamsicle, Castaway, Jumpsuit, Beaker, Taterhole, Matlock, Think tank, Java, Bogie, Tooth fairy, Goodwill, Miss Kitty, 007(FNG), Banjo, Pippy, HBC, BandCamp, Deuce, Goldburg, Kleenex, Friar, Babyface, Udderbutter, Lil Sweet, Tammy Faye
  Date:  5/29/2021
  AO:  300

With anticipation, the time has come to get this thing started. Thoughts of, “will they come, how many, is it going to be tough enough?”, have been repeating in my mind for weeks. This is how it went…

Goldburg with the PreRun: 

With a few of us ready to go, Goldburg says he recieved a text from Cuz that he fartsacked and wouldn’t make it to the pre run but wait to for Lil Sweet who was on the way. He set you up Lil sweet but we were glad you made it. Goldburg served us every hill he could find from the highschool, through the elementary school, through the big down town, a few detours and back to the AO for about a 5.5 miler.

Banjo for a quick warmup:

After RAM, just the day before this event, a certain Rucker was trying to Q a “Run And Move.” He did a great job, we couldn’t breathe and all that but at the beginning we were told our mission, the 5 core principles and the disclaimer.  Following that was, ” If you Q, this is a must before every workout.” I better not mess this up…

                 Our Mission:

 Our mission is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

                5 core Principles;

  1. Be free of charge.
  2. Be open to all men.
  3. Be held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold.
  4. Be led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary.
  5. End with a Circle of Trust


Well the diclaimer is rather long but in a nutshell says, “we are not professionals, you did not pay for this and you came here on your own.” Plus, if you get hurt we’ll help you to your car.

  • Side straddle hops 10 IC
  • Alt Toe Touch 10 IC
  • Humpys 10 IC
  • Goof Balls 10 IC

The Thing:

Utterbudder led the 35 pax to recieve a block and line up on the bottom row of the parking lot, crossing all five lots doing murder bunnys with a choice workout in each lot.

  • bench press x 10 IC
  • leg press  x 10 IC
  • across blocks x10 IC
  • grave diggers x 10 IC
  • skull crushers x 10 IC

Then he had us bearcrawl up the hill with the blocks. (We all Cusacked for the six this entire segment)

Tammy Faye steps out as leader while on top of the hill yells,” we will head back across the lots doing over head press and BLIMPS at each lot, Start with 15 burpees OYO.”

  • burpees 15 OYO
  • Lunges 20 each leg
  • Imperial storm troopers 25 IC
  • Merkins 30 OYO
  • Plankjacks 35 IC  ( What?)
  • Squats 40 OYO

Taterhole  leads us to the stadium. There he explains who he is, “Taterhole is a person not and event.” Then takes us 1.5 laps around the track alternating forward and backward stopping at the bottom of the concrete bleachers facing up for a few different workouts:

  • Box jump to the top and back down
  • Step ups to the top……..5 EACH LEG (What?)
  • 10 to 1 ladder. Stripper squats at the bottom and dips at the top

We finished up with a to line Indian run around track to retrieve our blocks and head back to start.

Moleskin: You know when you Q and you call an exercise that is already a high number but IN Cadence comes out of your mouth or you are standing in front of a lot of steps and call an exercise at each step and add, “each leg”. Yep it happened no turning back.

 COT: Referenced Ezekiel 37:

3 And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord GOD, thou knowest.

4 Again he said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry boneshear the word of the LORD

We are reminded in this passage of how merciful  God is and that we can be alive through Christ. He has blessed us with each other to lean on, to pick each other up, to hold each other accountable and He wants us to be leaders  starting right here in our community.

Breakfast: Yep, that’s how it ended. Breakfast was principle this day.

Thank you everyone for being part of this,

Banjo out




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