PAX:  Swinger,PBR, Rooney, Spokes, Hanger, Bismarck,
  Date:  05/20/2021
  AO:  Prison Break

With covid hopefully coming to a close and the beaches calling our names it was time to start working on fitting back into our speedos so I decided we needed to work on our “cores”.

we started the usual way a disclaimer and the norm warmup side straddle hops, humpies, and one legged arm circles. Next a little block work, curls for girls, rows, benches, block merkins and then a new curls for girls squats fortunately we were all pretty coordinated and no body fell over. Next to the Stargate for flutter kicks, flutter raises, flutter crunches, flutter scissors, one legged planks, decline merkins, dips, plank jacks, each one with a run around the block in between each one. Finally time was running out so headed back towards the ao. It with one stop half way. “Rocky” inspired one arm merkins followed by one legged merkins. Looked for a chicken we could chase but couldn’t find one so back to the AO. Word of the day if someone gives you praise simply say thanks, then thank the othersaround you who helped you get it then give the thanks to God and let it go. Don’t over dwell on it and let it become prideful.  



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