QIC:  Friar
  PAX:  Twin, Spokes, Babyface, PBR, Rx, Hanger, Bismarck, Swinger, and Friar (Q)
  Date:  05/18/21
  AO:  Prison Break

PrisonBreak. The final frontier. The original weekday A/O. A beast that’s been neglected by our presence too often. So, YHC receives word via Slack, I had Q, so I knew I had to bring the Q bar up to a new level. It was time to bring back the mystique of PrisonBreak. Also, knowing that there is a beach trip in about six weeks and I needed to burn more calories, I determined to make this a real calorie burner. Then to top it off, nine, that’s right nine, men rolled up to get to work!!!

Warmups: SSH, ATT, LAC, with some Burpees OYO thrown in between each set. 

Take off, spot Hanger driving up, turn back to get him and proceed to a street corner to get to work. (TWSS) Squats and LBCs. 

Hill repeats, mosey to 1st Methodist for lunges and WWII Sit-ups. Mosey up Main to Finley to cemetery for reverse lunges and American hammers. Mosey down Ridge to West for some jump ropes and some other ab stuff that I can’t remember. Walk, then bear crawl to the pit. The guys all enjoyed some variation of Morning Wood (no blue pill needed for most of us). Mosey to Stargate AO for some box jumps, curb kicks, and crunchy frogs. Mosey to the crossfit gym to get our sexy on; monkey humpers, Jane Fonda’s, glute bridges, and pickle pounders. Naturally, after all that sexy time, we had to go to the OB/GYN office and do stair repeats four times over. Mosey to Davenport stairs for some calf raises and then to the school parking lot for a squat/lunge walk on our way through. Mosey to Lenoir High School apartments and run around the fountain. We make our way back to the A/O for a flurry of ab exercises that just randomly came to my mind to finish the final five minutes. 

Great morning and best turn out we’ve had in awhile. The men left with the sweat stank locked in on their SportTek and tears in their eyes. We burned anywhere from 300+ – 500+ calories so mission accomplished. 

WOD: God took a day to rest and we should unplug and rest. 




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