QIC:  Babyface
  PAX:  Twin, Spokes, PBR, Bismacrk, Swinger
  Date:  05/11/2021
  AO:  Prison Break

My wife had ACL reconstructive surgery about a month ago and this has caused me to miss quite a few posts while taken care of her and the kids. So, when a Q opened up this week I was ready to get back at it with my brothers. I pulled up to the old AO and the regulars were running around the neighborhood…..nothing had changed. A few quick jabs at my “virgin Q” and it was time to start it up….


Warmup (x15, IC)

  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Imperial Storm Troopers
  • Humpies
  • Arm Circles (forward & reverse)

11s on the Stairs

  • 11s – WWIIs at the top, Merkins at the bottom

Burp Back Mountain

  • Bernie up the hill, partner reps the exercise
  • 50 burpees
  • 100 squats
  • 200 Freddie Mercurys

Work the wall (R&R)

  • 10 Declines
  • 20 Step Ups
  • 10 Inclines
  • 20 Dips


WOD – Philippians 4:13 – I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

  • You will never be asked to do more than you can truly handle
  • Appreciate your M’s…..you have no idea how much they actually do until they are not there to do it. They keep us going, day in and day out!
  • Shout out to any single parents out there


  • If you take about 3 or 4 weeks off from workouts, you lose a lot of cardio. I felt dead after about 30 minutes
  • No, I didn’t change my name just because I hadn’t posted in a while
  • Starting with Declines before Inclines is very important
  • PBR’s new favorite ab exercise is Rope Climbs. 
  • My WOD was a mess. Not even sure what scripture I started reading at first. Just out of practice I guess?

Babyface out!




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