QIC:  Spokes
  PAX:  Spokes (QIC), Bismarck, Rx, Friar, Kickstand
  Date:  05/12/2021
  AO:  Stargate

Well I’m eating crow here.  Snips provided a route map for Stargate about six weeks ago and Leto St. was part of the map (on top of running up Harrisburg Road).  I noted that Leto St. was no longer an active street and was on an old Map My Run map that appeared to go through the Bernhardt plant.  So we modified Snips route and ran our normal 5 miles including the narrow to no shoulder of Harrisburg Road (as much traffic as it had it should have an Interstate #).  After one of our Prison Break work outs I decided to drive down Underdown Street and guess what I found…a street sign and a street called Leto St.  I turned on the street and followed it to its end as I entered Bernhardt’s/Munday Hardwoods driveway and came out on Highway 18.  Thus the plan was laid that I would include in my next Q for Stargate.

Here was the route that 5 HIM’s completed that totaled 5.05 miles and 403′ elevation gain.

Stargate AO – Church St. – Kirkwood – Boundary – Ashe – Willow – West – Steel – College – Underdown – Leto – Bernhardt Parking Lot – Google Greenway – Quest Parking Lot  to Traffic Light – Westview – Pennton – Edgewood – Grove – Vaiden – College – Main {SLOW JAMMERS THIS IS 3 MILES AND YOU ARE 1 BLOCK FROM AO} – Old Railroad Greenway – Harper – Stargate AO 


When we think of suffering we sometimes note this as a physical challenge i.e. posting and running at Stargate 🙂 or a loved one that has passed away we may say that they aren’t suffering any longer if they had been sick from a disease. 

Job 1:20-22 “20 Then Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head and fell on the ground and worshiped. 21 And he said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”  22 In all this Job did not sin or charge God with wrong.”

We don’t think of suffering and God’s presence.  Job suffered not because of a sin he had committed (which is what his friends attempted to argue) but rather because of sin in general.  Suffering through pain, sickness, death, etc was not part of God’s design.  This came into creation because of sin.  If there were no sin, there would be no suffering.  God is a compassionate God and we can see through Job’s life how God’s heart is for His people.

Prayer Requests:  Rx – doctors visit on Thursday for some Blood Pressure concerns.  Captain America’s scans on Thursday.

Spokes Out!



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