QIC:  Qroupie
  PAX:  Swinger, PBR, Creamsicle, Bizmarck
  Date:  05/06/2021
  AO:  Prison Break

APB – missing our Q for today.  The group really didn’t discuss who was going to do the BB so throwing one out here.

So, without a Q we went with the Groupie format.

Bismarck started out with the warming up of the cold and old bones starting with Babyfaces favorite the Humpies….added in Imperial Stormy, Hairless Rockets, Butties, Knee Hiiiiiis, Merkins and SSH.  Not knowing who’s going from here just kept going.  So we headed over to the Stargate area.  Found a nice hill and decided to do Dora’s…..100 Merkins, 200 BBoys and 300 Squats…while one partner was doing this the other enjoyed running up the hill and then right thru parking lot to add a little bit of distance….who wants to just go up a hill and then down….but what is spelled one way can be spelled another so when we hit half way thru the Squats the person running went to the top of the hill and then took a left, left and left….around Stargate…..once the Squats were done it was 200 SSH’s and then 100 Pickle Pounders.  Somewhere during the SSH’s we lost one due to stomach pains that had to be taken care of at the PJ’s.  So, once the others finished it was off to the PJ’s to meet up with the unfortunate soul.  While waiting the rest of the group went for Ali’s, Penquins, Fraziers, Wonder Bras, Knee Highs and then a 90 degree chair sit.  Then PBR took the reigns and now we know why Hill is part of his last name.  Found a nice hill to run up all the way to Hospice….kindly headed towards the Pres Church and on to the AO.  Still had about 5 minutes so Creamsicle took over and put us in the spokes.  Merkins in the center, along with 3 points of exercises and of them it was a proud moment when one of these was the BM….just love that one and could tell everyone else did also.  Didn’t get up for easy.  Believe everyone was in the mid to high 400 cal range except for the PJ dude…..somehow he ended up with 600 cal……

Afterwards ended with the WOD, Count, Name if you remember the order, announcements and prayers.

Biz out.





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