QIC:  Medball
  PAX:  HayHay, Centerfold, Delivery, Diamond Dave, Gump, Jake Brake, Lip Sync, Pony
  Date:  04/27/21
  AO:  The Station

Driving in I, like most everyone else, marveled at the big full moon in the sky (no it wasn’t Delivery this time). It was giant and just another example of the cool stuff we get to see in the gloom.  I pulled into Pumpernickel’s parking space that Centerfold parks in sometimes. Mainly because the lady with the rabid dog was parked in the space that best fits my vehicle, and I didn’t want to get bit again. I set the shovel flags and waited for the pre-runners to mosey in.

Today, they were more scattered. Lip Sync came in solo, I believe he was actually working one of the corners earlier and broke away for a quick break (he is paying for college and “20 bucks is 20 bucks”). Delivery and Hay Hay rolled in. Delivery went to his truck, like normal, and Hay Hay asked for toilet paper and headed to the woods, like normal.  The rest of the crew rolled in at about the one minute warning.

Disclaimer and mission were shared (every time) and the warm-up began: SSH, Copperhead Squats, LBAC’s, Rev. Lunges, ATT’s…let’s mosey

Headed to lower parking lot where Good Hands likes to revisit Iron Pax. Presented the Thang: Pax get to choose which lap they want to run: Dale Earnhardt (1 mile loop), Dale Jr. (1/2 mile loop), or Ricky Bobby (1/4 mile lop). At the end of each loop: 20 merkins, 20 Batmans, 20 Rev lunges (10e), 20 squats, 20 LBC’s. Pax can pick different loops each time, but exercises are to be done at the end of each. BOOM- pax took off. I decide to let the other pax get in front…unusual, I know. However, it was interesting to see which routes were picked, as pax peeled off. I decided to go with the Earnhardt senior loop, since I’m still building back some endurance post-IR. Looping continued for all pax who appeared to be enjoying themselves (see note below**) especially with the Batmans.

Approaching Mary time, we moseyed back to the pad: Gas Pumps, Pretzels, Easy V’s, Freddie Mercuries, Crossfit Sit-ups, and LBC’s. 

WOD: Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God.

The last year has reminded us again, and again that we re not in control. This can lead to frustration, anger, depression, etc. Getting injured is a good example. I choose to believe my progression of injuries was used by God to re-align my priorities. Had I begun to idolize my ability to complete workouts? Let’s be honest, finishing first all the time can do that to you, am I right? Either way, I was forced to stop moving and re-visit how fitness plays into my Get Right.  

I also shared a recap of Dredd’s latest Collision Learner Blog: https://www.collisionlearner.com/post/a-recognizable-command

In synopsis, when Dredd asked a dog trainer friend of his what dogs are thinking, when they’re quietly sitting through a COT at the end of the workout. The trainer told him, “They’re waiting for the next recognizable command. All the other stuff being said is just noise.”  What would it look like if we ignored the noise and waited for the next recognizable command from our Master?  Meditate on that for a little while.


-After some time off, running is tough…painful…it sucks.

-It appears another pax I know whose title was formerly Nantan also had his Tuesday AO doing laps today.  Great minds, great minds!

-**Pax that are told to run, but with no set time/distance goal will, for the most part, not push themselves.  Next time, there will be more motivation…maybe I can borrow the rabid dog.

-It’s difficult to count cadence while doing Mary, once you reach the point you can’t breathe.  Probably more OYO next time.

-Speaking of next time. You should come out to Discovery Church tomorrow AM at 0530. We’re launching SHOWTIME.  The OG regulars will be there along with other pax, I’m sure of it…maybe an FNG or two…and who doesn’t love naming FNG’s!

Medball out!



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