PAX:  RX,Bismarck,PBR, and Awinger
  Date:  04082021
  AO:  Prison Break

About a week ago some one said we needed the Cropduster to come and do a workout for us.  After attending SoCal Monday night led by Crop I decided to mirror his workout for prison break with just a few differences. 
start the usual warm up arm circles, side saddle hops, humpies and a little stretch run.

next block curls for girls, American hammers, block bench, merkins, block copperhead squat, arm together merkins, block lunges, incline merkins, burpees, block pelvic thrusters,

then a choice to run 3 laps of one loop or 2 laps of another the vote said less was better so we do 2 to rest our arms. Next block curls, Jane Fonda’s, block benches feet off ground, box cutters,block overhead press, hands off ground merkins,block calf raises, flutter kicks, block kettle bell swings, K jenners.  Finish with run up to the Lenoir PD and back. Word of day don’t let your job or career overtake or replace your life with your wife and your kids. Career is important but not more than our families.




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