QIC:  Short Sale
  PAX:  Patti Mayo, Peso Penguin, Biscuits, Has Been, Doughboy, Short Sale
  Date:  04/06/21
  AO:  The Mount

It’s Tuesday April 6th 2021. You know what happens in about 3 short months? 
…its “sun’s out, guns out season at Dirty Myrtle and YHC ain’t showing up unprepared. 

So, crack open an ice cold Keystone and let’s get started..

but before we get started, Patti has to run back toward home. He left his tail gate down and his dang chainsaw ain’t back air’ in the dang back..

(common Burke Cawnie’ problems)

found it! 
(welcome back Patti)

the Mount is proud to announce we have an FNG whom we named Peso Penguin (Character from From Octonauts) because he likes ice baths? 🤷‍♂️

his second post was today, so he’s official.

Warmups; lots of stretching. 

Mosey and grab a block. 
take the block to the middle parking lot.

MOUNT workout but broken up a little different than the usual.

M- 20 merkins, bear crawl, lunge walk around lot – followed by dips at the small wall, IC x25 (x2)

O- 20 OHP’s, karaoke, lunge walk, – followed by dips at the small wall, IC x25 (x2)

U- 15 up and overs, duck walk, lunge walk, – followed by dips at the small wall, IC x20? or was it 25? (x2)

N- 20 Nose touch curls, shorter bear crawl, lunge walk, – followed by dips on the block, IC x20 (x2)

T- 20 tricep pulls, lap around lot (x2)

blocks up!


countarama, namearama, announcements, prayer requests.


1 Thessalonians 5:16-18,

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 

(a simple verse but unbelievably life changing)

take a minute to read it a few times.

– rejoice ALWAYS?

– give thanks in ALL CIRCUMSTANCES?


that is God’s will for me?


even if things are REALLY bad, I’m called to rejoice and give thanks. When I’m cut off in traffic, cleaning a toilet, when my cat dies or someone I love passed away… when I lose my job or my wife is mean to me..

We are called to find the positive in EVERY situation. EVERY situation, we are called to give THANKS.

-there’s always a lesson. There’s always beauty. There’s always a reason. There’s ALWAYS a positive when we are going through anything. We have to look for that. We have to pray for understanding. 
… continually. 
that is God’s will for you and me.

see you guys down at Myrtle! 💪





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