QIC:  Twin
  PAX:  Spokes, Bismarck, PBR, Swinger, Twin(Q)
  Date:  04/01/2021
  AO:  Prison Break

So we had Cuz on Tuesday for a little F3 quiz. Of course, we know all things about F3 so we figured it was going to be a fairly easy work out. So the night before we planned to just tank every question so that we could get a decent workout in. But we never left the parking lot/AO. I can count on 1 hand how many workouts we’ve had through the years where we never left the parking lot. So I felt I owed it to the PAX to get out and stretch those legs and see what Lenoir had to offer this blustery morning.


  • LAC
  • RLAC
  • ATT
  • Humpie
  • Windmill

The Thang: Route 66

Simple. I picked Merkins/WW2/Squats and we performed those exercises in sets starting with 11 and worked our way down to 1. A total of 11 stops to make that happen. 

Our route this morning took us to Davenport School, a bank, the hospital, BBT, Gwynn Mountain, another building, the fire dept, hospice and back to the AO.

2.6 miles in total.

At the AO, we finished with some….

  • 4×4 – a burpee with 4 merkins and 4 mountain climbers
  • Mountain Bikers – 4 mountain climbers – flip over – 4 Freddy Mercury’s


Its so awesome to think that out of all the religions in this world, Christians are the only ones that had a God that loved us so much that he sent his son into this world for us to die and take away our sins. Jesus not only came for us, but he lived a sinless life only to be crucified for the sins of the world. And he did so willingly. AMAZING.

Philippians 2:7-8

7 but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant,[a] being born in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

No moleskins today. Pretty quiet workout,  but always good to be with these fellas.

Twin out! 



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